Sunday 15 April 2012

A Disappointing End. 15.04.12

I've been milling over this decision for the past month but as I'm now four games behind (Brighton, Bristol City, Peterborough and Blackpool), the time has come to draw a close on the blog.

It has been a good first experience for me and it's been something that despite the results, I've enjoyed doing. However, other factors have taken priority and the decision was made to end this particular blog.

Ultimately, it wasn't helped with the fact that the blog wasn't getting the audience figures I would have hoped for and there are better and more efficient NFFC blogs out there.

For those who have been reading it, I thank you and I hope you've enjoyed it. If the blog was ever to be restarted, I hope I could count on your readership once more.

I must point you in the direction of my new blog - - a blog all about the West Midlands Olympic hopefuls. This blog, although will only last until the summer Oympics, has much more potential and is much more beneficial to me in regard to the aims of my career.

So, that's that. But thanks once again for reading and keep reading the new blog.


Thursday 22 March 2012

NFFC vs Derby County 13.03.12

It's that time of year again. When my University deadlines are approaching at a ridiculous rate, I have society restraints flying at me left, right and centre and Forest seem to be playing at home every time they play, either that or I'm able to go and watch the away game. The latter being the case this time around. 

I had to miss the earlier fixture between the two sides due to being at a Channel Four open day. It says a lot about my passion for this fixture, that I genuinely contemplated missing the career opportunity just to see the match. Whatever team you support, you will know the feeling of when a good ol' rivalry is approaching. Forest vs Derby is the game that I always look for when the fixtures first appear. 

The away day was then postponed so this game felt like it had been a long time coming. Such a shame that by the final whistle, it was a huge anti-climax. 

I fancied our chances. Derby had had their annual decline after showing promising early signs and we were beginning to show that we had the fight to stay in this division. 

But despite a sell out crowd, a tenacious atmosphere and fighting talks from both camps, the game simply never got going. A boring, drab affair that wasn't worth the £32 I spent.

Overall, as much as it pains me to say it, the game probably went the way it should have done. Derby were better on the ball, played the nicer football and controlled more of the game. We were simply overwhelmed by the occasion.

But let them enjoy this, we took six points last season and look how quickly that has come and gone! Beating Derby isn't the priority this season, making sure we are still in the same division to play them next season is far more important.

We missed Higginbotham hugely but when have I not said that? He marshalls the defence brilliantly and we need to get him and keep him fit.

Although both the team and the individual performances were not good enough - and the main reason why I won't be doing players ratings due to repeating myself - the shift that Blackstock and Tudgay put in up top must be commended. The service to them was dreadful all night but the pair of them never stopped running. Just a shame that 'Tuds' was a tad too over enthusiastic and got himself a one match ban.

There have been rumours flying round regarding Luke Varney, (although I hear that one has fallen through. Sad state of affairs when we can't even get a striker from a club that is begging money, saying that, I do feel like it's a blessing in disguise) Robbie Earnshaw who I would welcome back and think the rest of the CG would too or Ricardo Fuller who's name was banded around in January with wages being an issue. Unfortunately, I can't see how that's any different this time around.

Also a mention for the chants from the minority of Derby supporters at the end. Yes it was shameful and it was disgusting but let's not give them the attention. Instead, let's commend Blackstock and Tyson for stating how they felt on twitter while the Derby owners should be applauded for quickly coming out and stating their position. It was all handled rather smoothly.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing though. A week on and we go and score 7 away at Leeds, a day before Brian Clough's birthday. If Carlsberg did football results!

Simply incredible scoreline and what's more, the team showed real fight and passion to win it. Going behind early on before being pegged back at 3-3, we could have crumbled. But we didn't and I would have happily paid the £34 quid to go and watch that!

I expect a big crowd for the visit of high flying Brighton and expect it to be a very tough game. But if we can remain undefeated, we are giving ourselves a real chance of confirming survival long before those final day nerves.

No arrogance yet though, I'm still expecting plenty more twists and turns!

Thursday 15 March 2012

NFFC vs Millwall 10.03.11

Well I am a bit behind aren't I?!
Apologies for this, too many jobs to do not enough time.

Let's go back to Saturday 10th March and the superb victroy over Millwall. Following the dismal performance in midweek, it was essential that the lads delivered, which they did, securing a 3-1 victory and move a step closer to safety.

Take nothing away from the victory, Millwall were a side that were enjoying a decent run of form and had put a nice gap between the bottom three and themselves. They would have fancied their chances when they arrived at the City Ground, no doubt about that.

But there were two major differences in my view.

The first was the correct team selection. All 11 men playing in positions that they were comfortable with and the team were balanced and as a result, played some lovely, fluid football.

Secondly, the City Ground faithful were in excellent voice. The whole ground, backed the lads on the pitch for the duration of the game and it helped massively. I haven't been right about many things this season, but I will claim victory on this particular matter. Back the lads and be positive and they will work hard for you.

Even as Henderson got one back for Millwall, the crowd didn't get on their back and we soon got our reward when Reidy stepped up and unleashed a beautiful effort into the top right hand corner.

My oh my, did he deserve it! It was a simply superb individual performance and his ability and class was there for all to see. When the Irishman is on form such as that, the hope is that he can play week in week out. Unfortunately, with his age and stature, he can't. It's a huge shame, but it's just not plausible.

Despite Reid deservedly taking the plaudits, there were a couple of other brilliant performances. Dexter Blackstock continually puts in a shift up front and unless he scores, no-one seems to notice. He was fantastic and caused problems all afternoon for Millwall's defence.

Danny Higginbotham was also magnificent. He may as well have the captaincy with the way he leads on the pitch. He is vocal, passionate and motivated. Everything you need from a centre-half. He also popped up with a fantastic goal. Make no mistake about it, that is a tough technique to swivel on the volley.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a perfect performance and our luck was definitely in. Millwall hit the woodwork three times if I counted correctly so there were still many issues. But we should enjoy the win and more importantly, enjoy the five point gap that has now opened up.

On a seperate note, I heard rumours that the reason Tudgay and Anderson were dropped on Tuesday night was because the pair of them started a fight with Robbie Findley. I pray that this is just hearsay. As soon as the team begins to turn on each other, then it really is game over. Cotterill must manage the situation delicately and carefully and I think the punishment of dropping them both was the correct decision.

Camp - Was called into action a few times but stood up to the challenge and did well. No silly mistakes or anything to be accounted for. Solid. 7/10
Gunter - Playing in the correct decision and had a much better display than in recent. Still gets caught out from time to time but it was very much improved. 7/10
Chambers - Probably the weakest of the back four. It just hasn't happened for Chambo this season and I can only think of the captaincy being the reason. Too much of a burden? 6/10
Higginbotham - Was superb in all areas of his game. Calm, controlled, self assured. Fantastic loan signing. Just fitness being the issue now. 9/10
Cunningham -  Has worked out well that he regains fitness just as Elokobi injures himself. Solid game from the left back. Committed and passionate, offers a good attacking outlet as well. 8/10
McCleary - I've said it before that his recent good form will mean oppositions will aim to keep him quiet by using more than one man to mark him. He has to be able to improve his game to beat this. Very quiet second half but took his goal well. 7/10
Guedioura - The problem with the Wolves loanee is that he's set the bar so high in his first couple of games. He wasn't poor on any level, just not as good as we've seen recently. Plenty of energy and enthuasism as always though. 7/10
Moussi - I've said it before and I'll say it again, Moussi is like an excitable dog. Fiesty, passionate, tenacious, he's fantastic in the middle of the park. But you cannot help but get nervous when hes trying to help the defence. There were a couple of dodgy challenges in and around the penalty area which could have really shot us in the foot. 7/10
Reid - Man of the match. Simply controlled the game from start to finish and outclassed the other 21 players around him. Wonderful goal as well. Just wish he'd stick to his wing! 10/10
Tudgay - Our little workhorse. What he lacks in ability he definitely makes up for in passion and energy. He was no different on Sat, chasing lost causes and being a general nuisance. Needs to be finding the net soon though. 7/10
Blackstock - Worked incredibly hard and took a few bumps and bruises for the cause. Looked a lot more confident after his recent goals and will be a vital part of the team as we aim to avoid relegation. 8/10
Wootton -  Came on in the midfield and looked comfortable. If one part of the negotiations was to play Wootton for a certain amount of time, he could certainly do a job in the middle of the park. 7/10
Miller - Not enough time to make an impact but its nice to see the big man fit again. Always causes problems and held the ball up well to waste the time away. If he can begin finding the net, he'll be back in the starting 11 in no time. 6/10

Onto Tuesday night then. When it was first postponed, I think we all imagined that we'd be on the end of a spanking. Now, we've won a few games, they've had their annual slide..who knows?

It's always a good occasion!

Saturday 10 March 2012

NFFC vs Doncaster Rovers 06.03.12

It's amazing how quickly the enthusiasm disappears following a disgraceful performance such as the one I witnessed on Tuesday night.

Admittedly, its that time of year again when University deadlines are piling up as well as extra-curricular activities reaching a crescendo, I haven't had much time to write the entry. But make no mistake about it, I wasn't exactly chomping at the bit to write this.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't thinking that after seven points from the last nine, we were safe from relegation. Far from it actually. I'm fully aware there will be plenty more twists or turns between now and end of the season. But it was such an opportunity missed. We had the opportunity to be seven points clear. SEVEN. But a lack of passion, motivational and tactics by the looks of things meant we were outplayed in every area of the pitch by the bottom team in the division.

I'm not a boo boy. But for those who did boo them, had every right to. The performance was a disgrace.

I've no doubts that the negativity around the City Ground is affecting the team. Hence why we have a better away record. But our big games that we have left are at home. We must be picking up points at the City Ground.

In the space of 10 minutes, I did lose all the enthusiasm I had previously had. The news of Donny signing Freddie Piquionne filtered through (and I still have no idea how they managed to pull that off) and the news that Chris Gunter was right wing. I began the night slating the selection and why are we continuously put round pegs in square holes. Chris Gunter is a right back. He is a defender. Well so I thought anyway...

The Welshman had a nightmare and I will now not pussyfoot around him. I appreciate he's an international but Wales must be a lot better at stopping crosses than Forest are. Because Gunter can simply not defend them and was hugely at fault for the second goal as he failed to mark the man at the back post.

He was also at fault for the first goal, giving the ball away but no-one saw Piquionne's strike coming, that was Premiership class.

The news of Lacelles going out on loan is good news. He deserves some first team experience and it implies Higginbotham is fit which is excellent news for all concerned.

Blackstock took his goal well and he should be bubbling with confidence. Findley on the other hand, is having serious problems. Cotterill wouldn't divulge on the radio but there is clearly something wrong. I struggle to feel sorry for the American though, he's a striker and must score goals. If he has personal problems, take some time off. Don't bring your personal problems to your profession.

Man of the match for me was Elokobi and his injury was a great shame. I hope its not as serious as first thought. However, it has been timed well with the return of Cunningham who looked to be chomping at the bit to get back involved and I was impressed with him before he got injured.

Other than Elokobi, McCleary and Blackstock, I struggle to remember any playter who performed with any pride or passion. Its not worth doing the players rating because I'd simply be repeating myself.

As for today, I'm not expecting much. Millwall have made a real fight of it of late and have been making some real strides in the league. I don't want to sound like a miserable bugger, but theres not much I can do about that at the moment. After Tuesday's performance, we've taken about 8 steps back.

It needs to be one hell of a performance to improve spirits at the City Ground today and I just can't see it happening.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

NFFC vs Coventry City 18.02.12

Well this is new.

I've got so used to writing the same old negative drivel over the past few months, that the concept of actually writing about a victory has somewhat stumped me a little bit.

Let's start at the beginning...WE WON.

It's time to enjoy it as well. It's been such a long time since I can remember travelling home, listening to Radio Nottingham before sitting in front of my tv with my curry and being in a good mood due to the performance I'd seen just a few hours earlier.

It wasn't a great performance. It was a game that screamed relegation battle. Nerves were clear to see all over the pitch and no-one seemed willing to take the game by the scruff of the neck. It most definitely wasn't one for the neutral. 

But who cares?! Three huge points. Don't get me wrong, I won't start rambling now about how we're safe and that is a result that will turn our season around, but there's no need to simply cast it to one side. I'm fully aware and I'm sure the team are as well that the fight has simply just begun.

As a team, we were professional, patient and pro-active and grabbed our biggest win of the season. 

The icing on the cake was moving out of the relegation zone. I predicted in my last post that we could be out of the relegation zone on Saturday evening so I'm claiming a correct guess on that issue. Admittedly, I didn't envisage Portsmouth's 10 point deduction, although there were murmerings it could happen.

Nobody likes to see administration occur, but I must admit my sympathy with the football club is waning. I've read and heard reports this week that have stated the PFC continued to spend as though they were in the Premier League the last time they were in administration. It's not exactly a surprise, it has happened again then and they've only got themselves to blame. However, I do feel sorry for Michael Appleton and the squad but I fully expect them to get out of trouble. They don't deserve to be a League One club and it will only add to their long list of problems.

Do we dare look up the table? I'd say it's now three teams from six. I wouldn't expect Peterborough on 37 points to be dragged into it. But with a game in hand on Bristol City and only three points behind Millwall, I can't help but feel optimistic that we can successfully chase these two teams and drag them into the mire. Especially with the visit of Doncaster and Millwall to the City Ground in the next couple of weeks, we could really give ourselves a chance of survival by the end of March. It's a massive month.

For those at the Brittania Stadium on Thursday night saw a goal they would be unlikely to forget for a long, long time. For those at the City Ground on Saturday, were also treated to one of those special goals.

Gareth McCleary really has been a revelation this year and it's pivitol we stay up and keep him in the squad as other clubs are beginning to sit up and take notice of him. His goal was simply incredible. To pick up the ball in his own half and run 40- 50 yards with not one player getting close to him was amazing. The finish looks soft but at speed, he has picked his spot and just rolled it into the corner. Cotterill has received his fair amount of stick but he must be applauded for his man management of the winger, he has come on leaps and bounds.

As for Chambers' comments after the game, you won't be surprised to hear I agree with him. Enough pussyfooting around the fans and the media-and this is coming from a sports journalist-speak the truth, tell us what you really think. Luke Chambers did that on Saturday evening. As captain of the football club, he is well within his right to do so and I concurred with everything he said.

To boo them off at half time was a disgrace and to boo the substitute of McCleary made matters even worse. Chambers stated 'we didn't want to win the game, we know we just needed to.'

Credit to the players proffessionalism but fans who don't get behind the lads should stay at home. I can guarantee the teams that survive the drop this year, will be the teams with the fans who become the 12th man. It wasn't that long ago that Billy Davies pleaded with the fans to stop booing? What happened? Results improved and we survived relegation. Coincidence? I think not.

I appreciate you've spent money to come and see the game but it simply wasn't necessary on Saturday and Chambo was well within his rights to say so. I hope it's shocked a lot of you into realising how much you are damaging the club.

In addition to this, I have come across a Forest fan on twitter who goes by the name of @pissingred and he is a dream to follow. Says it how it is on all matters Forest with a huge amount of common sense. It's nice to know there are fans out there with a concept of reality. On the subject of twitter, please feel free to follow @michaelredford1 for more of my views! Shameless plug. Apologies.

Camp- Had very little to do but distributed well and did what he needed to. Solid display. 8/10
Wootton- Not a good game and rightly substituted at half time. Spell on the sidelines needed before he's ready to come back into the side. 4/10
Chambers- Bit clumsy and too eager at times. Defended well though and read the game well. Too many long balls but probably not his fault. 7/10
Higginbotham- My man of the match. Another brilliant display from the Stoke loanee, lead the line well, won everything in the air and was strong in the challenge. A brilliant acquisition. 9/10
Elokobi-  Another decent display from the left back. Happy to be on the ball and moved it nicely. Kept things calm and very little danger came from the right flank from Coventry. 8/10
Gunter- Not a right midfielder. Round pegs in square holes. Much much assured when dropped back to his normal position of right back and offered a good attacking threat as well. Still poor in the air. 7/10
Moussi- Same old Mou to be honest. Strong, athletic, fiesty with the odd bit of clumsiness. He's in there to do the dirty stuff and win the ball, let Guedioura do the rest! 7/10
Guedioura- Coventry had done their homework and clamped down on Guedioura from the first moment. Still managed to get on the ball and produced some sublime balls out to the wing with some nice touches in the middle of the park as well. Not afraid to get his kness dirty either. 8/10
Reid- Our prayers have been answered and the midfielder got the nod to start. In 90 minutes, does have a tendency to go missing and doesn't stick to his left wing meaning we rarely had an option out wide. But his experience and ability is vital and his vision for Findley's goal was almost poetic. If he's in the side, we do appear to score goals. Carry on Reidy! 8/10
McCleary- Struggled first half as a 'supporting striker' and looked a bit lost. Moved on to the left wing and he soon started to flourish. His goal was simply stunning. First name on the team sheet. 9/10
Tudgay- Had the odd chance and did want to be on the ball but was struggling to keep the ball when he was up top on his own. Will feel hard done by that he was substituted but think he was still struggling with an illness. 6/10
Findley- Got a lot of stick and pleased to see him answer his critics with a well taken goal. His first touch is appalling and needs drastic work but when he has the ball and running at defenders, he's a lethan weapon to have in the side. Hopefully the goal will give him some confidence. 7/10
Blackstock- His contribution seems to go unnnoticed at times. Dex ran his heart out for 45 minutes and should be applauded for it. Made a big contribution and Coventry's defence struggled to contain the big man. Just needs a goal. 8/10
Greening -  We all had a little groan when number 14 went up on the board but fair play to Greening, he came on and added a lot of fight and passion into the team. Possible double footed challenge that went unnoticed but he was fighting for his place and he has certainly thrown his name into the hat. 7/10

So away to Birmingham on Saturday. A really, really, tough game. But a win can do wonders for confidence and the longer we can stay in the game at St Andrews, the more belief we will have that we can snatch something. All the curses have gone, we've won at home, scored home and away and have kept a clean sheet. It's all positive. It won't be easy but we'll see what happens.

As long as we're not back in the bottom three, I'll be happy. I'm rather enjoying logging on to BBC Sport at the moment.

In other news, I think the sacking of Lee Clark and Martin Allen is a disgrace. Both managers were working towards their pre-season targets and both looked like achieving them. Huddesfield have appointed Simon Grayson and with a good record at that level, I expect Huddesfield to be promoted but I think they would have secured it with Lee Clark in charge. As for Notts, I hope the decision doesn't backfire on them. Unfortunately, I think it will. I don't think the appointment of Keith Curle will add much enthuasism either to the players or fans either.

Managers need to be given a chance and a lot more time. Success doesn't just happen overnight. Club Chairmen and Chief Executives need to have a serious look at their football clubs and what they are realistically expecting from the squad and the money they have available to them.

If Huddesfield and Notts County had done that, I would think Lee Clark and Martin Allen would still be in a job.

Sunday 12 February 2012

NFFC vs Watford 11.02.12

It was the performance that'd we been waiting four months for.

The performance we began to think might never materalise.

The performance where the team showed they wanted to fight to stay in this division.

The game in which Nottingham Forest looked solid and compact in cohesion with a nice attacking flair.

The sort of team we hadn't seen since the days of Billy Davies.

Yesterday, it arrived.

So why do we all feel so deflated and disappointed?

I don't think it's that hard to figure out. Everyone has looked at the fixtures and saw two home games against Watford and Coventry as the perfect opportunity to pick up 6 points and the majority of the people listening to the game or in the City Ground watching it, knew that we should have picked up 3 points yesterday. To rub salt into the wound, every team around us, failed to pick up a result that would enhance their chances of survival.

Coventry - lost
Doncaster - Didn't play
Bristol City - Lost
Millwall - Drew
Ipswich - Game abandoned.

It was a serious opportunity missed.

But let's just rewind to my last entry and that dismal performance against Burnley. We were all crying out for a bit of fight, passion and desire from the lads. They showed it in abundance yesterday and must be credited for it.

I cannot stress how brilliant it was to be sat in the Main Stand, see McClearly score a great goal, hear 'Chelsea Dagger' and see complete unity across all four stands. For the icing on the cake, I looked down to see Steve Cotterill celebrating harder than anyone else. It sent shivers down my spine.

Say what you like about the gaffer, he is as up for this as much as anybody.

It was interesting that Cotterill praised McCleary in midweek. No-one really saw it coming but we've all played football manager in the past and all realise how important a good bit of PR is for a player's performance.

But I don't think it was media spin and this is coming from a sceptic journalist. I think Cotterill genuinely believed McCleary has been a huge assest for us this season and should have featured earlier.

I completely agree. He's almost definitely one of the first names on the team sheet at the moment. His importance is only going to increase if he keeps popping up with goals like yesterday. If that's what a few complimentary words can do then keep praising him Steve!

We all know our biggest issue has been the failure to put the ball in the net. It was our failure yesterday. But to see McCleary essentially embarrass two players as he skipped past them and not be afraid to have a shot from 30 yards was fantastic to see and the winger got what he deserved.

I could go on and on about the missed opportunities. But quite frankly, everyone knows that Miller should have scored just minutes later,Gunter should have had at least three and Findley should have won the game for us late on. For once, Nottingham Forest fans, let's be positive. I haven't been able to talk about chances created for a long, long time. We were a dangerous attacking team yesterday and that is most definitely a step in the right direction.

I'm not getting ahead of myself. There were still a few things I raised my eyebrows out. Gunter on the right wing being one of them.

The loan signings we have brought in have transformed a under-equipped side to an almost over-equipped side. If I've counted correctly, I believe we have nine recognised defenders, eleven midfielders and seven strikers. What's more, the majority of those players can play a huge part in keeping this football in this division.

So why was there the need to put round pegs in square holes? I don't think Gunter's performances have been good enough lately, so drop him. Don't try and fit him in elsewhere. I know Anderson's and McGugan's performances have not been brilliant so I understand them being dropped but I'm not sure what else Andy Reid has to do to get himself a game.

It's clearly a difference of opinion in tactics. For me, I'd start him and get him to give his all for 65 minutes. Then change it round if he's struggling. Not give him ten minutes at the end. His experience and ability is vital and within two minutes of being on the pitch yesterday, he threaded a superb ball which USA should have converted. In addition to this, and I appreciated Gunter is a defender, but if we had Reid, Ando or McGugan at that back post yesterday, would we have won the game? I think so.

I reminicised in my last post about the impact of the last set of loan signings and how it kickstarted our fight against relegation a couple of years ago. I couldn't see this current set of loan signings having the same effect. I won't confirm or deny whether I was right of wrong but the early signs suggest they might just be what we need.

On a seperate note, I'd like to offer my condolences to the Doughty family. To hear of his passing was terrible news and such a huge shame. It just was the next dramatic turn in NFFC's season.

As the tributes poured in, I learnt what a great man he was. There aren't many people in today's world who could recieve compliment after compliment like Nigel did. Furthermore, we all know what he did for NFFC. Not only did he save our club, he transformed it with a legacy to boot. What a shame the final few months he worked for this club were overshadowed by discrepencies and even as fellow fans hurled abuse at him, he behaved with great dignity as he stood down.

I didn't sign the condolences book yesterday. I didn't feel it was my place to. I hate to admit it was probably due to my own stubborn personality. As I saw fan after fan queue up to sign it, I couldn't help but wonder how many of them were screaming for his departure just a few months ago. These aren't fans of the football club. Not like Doughty was. I, for one, didn't want to place my name along with those who have ridiculed him for so long. He didn't deserve the majority of the abuse he got and I hope the stress of it all didn't accumulate to his death.

I offer my sincere apologies on here and hope he rests in peace.

Camp- Looked a lot more secure with a new look back four in front of him and tried to move the ball quickly with improved distribution. At fault for the goal? Possibly bad positioning. 7/10
Wootton- Really impressed with this debutant. Easy to tell he's had an excellent football foundation. Strong in the challenge and comfortable on the ball. Looks to be an excellent addition. 8/10
Chambers- Won the aerial challenges all day long and rarely looked troubled. But switched off for the goal. Disappointing. Probably the weakest of the back four, says it all. 7/10
Higginbotham- Assertive and assured, this was a great debut. No need to give him the captain's armband, he led all afternoon without it. Very little got past him all afternoon. 9/10
Elokobi- First half he was on fire. Not only defended with power and determination but produced some fantastic passes, both short and long to keep the ball. A couple of clumsy errors but likely to be down to lack of match practice. 8/10
Gunter- Tough afternoon for the Welshman. Not completely new to the position and caused problems down the right wing. If only he could have scored. A much better performance than recent weeks though. 8/10
Moussi- He's like a an exciteable dog that you can't keep quiet. Energetic in all areas of the pitch and was a vital part of the team yesterday as he ended attacks and pressured Watford into bad decisions. Still a bit clumsy though, the same way an excitable dog would knock over a vase at home, if you get my drift. 8/10
Guedioura- Man of the match. If the Frenchman performs like this every week, I cannot wait. His range of passing, his vision, his energy, dominance, I could go on. Absoutely superb performance. McGugan has something to aspire to with this guy around. 10/10
McCleary- Inspired performance from the winger and Watford couldn't get close to him all afternoon. Says it all that everytime he picked up the ball, he was closed down by three men at all times; yet still managed to produce a cross. Deserved his goal. 10/10
Miller- Worked hard but the partnership with Harewood didn't work. Should have scored on a couple of occasions as well. Lacking in confidence? possibly. But the money we're paying him, he needs to start scoring and he needs to start doing it soon. 6/10
Harewood- Had an impressive first half with some neat touches and quick thinking. But soon appeared very lazy. Wouldn't come to the ball and failed to do the simple stuff as the match drove on. 7/10
Findley- Will always be remembered for the miss right at the death. Lack of match practice cost him and I bet he puts them away in training all week. Not sure how many more chances he'll get. 6/10
Blackstock- Doesn't work when he comes on as a sub. Struggles to get involved and get straight into the speed of play. Needs a goal for confidence. 6/10
Reid- Only got five minutes at the end but in that short time, he managed to set a great opoortunity up and had plenty of useful touches on the ball. Still not entirely sure why he isn't involved from the start. 8/10

So it's a point and we've moved up a place. Now, let's keep looking up and the way the results can go, a five point gap can be demolished in no time. Who knows, if we take six points from the next two games, we could be out of the relegation zone this time next week and we'll all be wondering what we were scared about!

Okay, so maybe that's a tad too far. But for the first time in a long time, the optimism has seeped back in and although I don't expect anything from a very tough trip to Middlesbrough on Tuesday night, I will be a lot more willing to keep my eye on the score.

Although, with it being Valentine's day, I imagine the girlfriend will have something to say about that...

Saturday 4 February 2012

NFFC vs Burnley 31.1.12

I won't make any excuses for the lateness regarding this entry. I simply have been putting it off.

When I started this blog back in August, never did I think I would be writing such depressing and negative material, week by week.

It's no secret that my enthuasism for writing this blog is seeping away, but not quite as fast as the enthusiasm and belief is seeping away for many of the 23,000 fans who saw Tuesday night's performance.

Those of you who have read my previous entries will know that I've kept the faith. ''We just needed a break. We just need some luck. THEN our fortunes will change.'' Remember all that optimism?

Well, at the risk of having humble pie firmly shoved in my mouth, I concede defeat. As I meandered down the steps and away from the ground following the final whistle, it was the first time that I couldn't see an escape for us. 

Everyone is making a fight of it and for one reason or another, we simply aren't. If it wasn't for a late revival at Blackpool, we'd be sitting bottom of the Championship and what makes things worse is, we'd deserve to be there. 

It wasn't a dreadful team performance, for certain periods of the game, we controlled it. But it isn't good enough and it doesn't take a fanatic fan to realise that if you're conceding goals down one end and struggling to score at the other, it's going to equal a very miserable season.

That's exactly what's happened.

For a team that is lacking confidence, and that most certainly applies to us, the longer you can stay in a game, the better. So to concede after 2 minutes just made Tuesday night an even tougher battle than it already was.

It may sound like an obvious statement but all the fans' shoulders dropped, negativity oozed round the ground and the players looked disinterested. Not brilliant when you still have 88 minutes of football to be played.

In fairness, we came back into it immedately. Ishmael Miller should have done better and I'll never know how Moussi missed.

The penalty decision was comical. I praised McCleary for tracking back and making the tackle, next thing I know, he's thrown a foot out and it's a penalty. Game over. Or so we thought?

Jay Rodriguez slips, misses and we're still in it. Although no-one admitted it, we all felt it, a change in luck. Even Lynchy punched the air and shouted motivational messages to his team mates.

Or not.

Just eight minutes later, we hand the game over to the opposition. Another cross and another header. It was the type of goals we conceded under McClaren, something that we had cleared up and have now started doing again.

I won't place blame on Lacelles. In fairness to the debutant, I thought he did a stirling job. But i've said before crosses from the right flank are a huge danger when our right back, just cannot win and sometimes looks to even refuse to challenge an aerial ball. Most times we get away with it as Morgan or Chambo expect it but Lacelles is inexperienced and Gunter did not help him out one iota.

The mention of Morgan brings me nicely on to the infamous transfer deadline day. For as long as I can remember, we have never been a 'busy' club surrounding last minute transfers. But we saw the departure of Wes for a £1m and the arrival of Wolves midfielder Adlene Guedioura.

Firstly, I was gutted to see Wes go. He was such a vital part of NFFC and has matured into a brilliant defender at Championship level. He had a few hiccups along the way, dare I mention Yeovil in the play offs and that dreadful attempt at a backpass, but he has been a servant to this club and I was disappointed to see him leave.

However, the more I researched the subject, the more my disappointment turned to frustration.

As I'm sure most of you know, Wes was offered a contract, not just money but first team football and the chance to give his all and become a potential hero should he play a part in saving us from relegation. OR he was offered a contract with more money, but the odd substitute appearance from the bench and a basic offer that implied 'When we have to get people off the wage bill due to Financial Fair Play, we'll need you then, cos you're a bit cheaper see?' Morgan apparently saw that as appealing.

I take my hat off to Clark and Cotterill. They kept the fans in the loop and risked the financial situation getting worse by potentially keeping a defender who could leave for nothing in the summer. Their faith was thrown back in their face by a supposed Nottingham lad who couldn't wait to jump ship. Well done for getting a £1m for the defender. I don't think we could have expected much more. Also, the money we earnt has apparently already been spent on clearing up the Harewood and Cunningham deal while also offering new deals to Chambo, McCleary and Ando.

Then there was the departure of Bamford. Another rant is on its way.

A young lad who has come up through the ranks, who Forest have nurtured and show huge deal of faith in and now the striker is reaping the rewards following his exploits in the FA Youth Cup.

Yet, rumour of Chelsea sniffing around him makes Bamford think he's ready for the big time. I'd be interested to know, how much of it was Bamford jnr and how much was controlled by Bamford's agent, his dad.

Do they know that the last Chelsea youth product was John Terry? Bamford is already 18. Although that may seem young, you look towards Arsenal starlets such as Theo Walcott who made his Arsenal debut at 17 and Oxlade-Chamberlain who made his debut at 18. Daniel Sturridge at Chelsea began to make his impression in a loan spell at Bolton where he had just turned 20.

Is Bamford going to be able to settle in, make his mark and break into the first team all in 18 months? I doubt it.

But he's bordering on being too old for the youth squad, but not good enough for the first team. He's a good striker but I just can't picture the MOTD highlights where the 4th Official holds up the board to signal Torres to be replaced by Bamford.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope he doesn't get lost in a squad rotation system where he fails to make the grade and goes from club to club trying to settle. I hope he is a success and that's not because of all the add on's we get from the contract!

As a Nottingham lad, I hope it proves to be a good deal. But I can't help but feel the timing and execution of it, is all wrong.

On a more positive note, there were rumours that a few clubs were interested in Chambers. However, the captain has said he had no intention of leaving and will discuss his future at the end of the season. For me, that's professionalism and he should be applauded for it.

But we did have three new arrivals. I was pleased with Guedioura, clearly lacking in match fitness but was energetic, positive and wasn't afraid to have a shot at goal. Although its frustrating to see it fly into row Z, when we see it fly into the net, we wont be complaining!

Always pleased with the arrival of a defender and certainly someone with not only just Premier League experience but East Midlands derby experience. That has to be a huge help. I hope he goes straight into the side and to boss proceedings.

As for Wootton, I must admit I know very little about him. From snippets of Man U fans, he can play right-back, or centre back and it was mentioned that he can play in the holding midfielder role. So, it seems like a good acquisition. However, a condition of the deal will be that he gets games and regular football so someone is being knocked out the side. Who? I'm not quite sure.

Camp- At fault for the goals? Probably not. Defence need to be doing more in front of Campy. Average performance. 6/10
Gunter- I feel he's let Lascelles down. Although Lynch must guide him, any issues from the right side must be conducted by Gunter. Didn't defend fantastically, and offered little threat going forward. Not a good evening. 4/10
Lascelles- Probably wasn't how he dreamt of his debut unfolding. But didn't appear to let it faze him, was strong in the challenge and dominant in the air. Bright for the future. 8/10
Lynch- Again, don't feel he did too much wrong. Won his defensive duties but can't do it all himself. Always shows passion and dedication to the cause. 7/10
Maloney- Dreadful, dreadful performance. Can't remember one tackle he won, a successful pass. Looked nervous all night. Not his position? It's not a dramatic change from right-back to left-back so shouldn't be an excuse. 2/10
McGugan- Went missing yet again. First half tried to get on the ball but after the second goal, forgot he was on the pitch. Rightly substituted. 5/10
Moussi- My Man of the Match. Energetic, fiesty with huge amounts of tenacity in the middle of the park. Still a bit clumsy but after tuesday's performance, he'd be first name on the team sheet. 9/10
McCleary- Had the left back in the palm of his hand all night. Skipped past him time after time. But decision making isn't quick enough and needs to learn when the time is right to take a player on and when the time is right just to swing the ball in. 8/10
Guedioura- As I said, worked hard and offered some energy in midfield. Couple of poor touches and bad decisions but almost certainly due to the fact he hasn't played for so long. Solid debut. 7/10
Anderson- Impressed with Ando. Looked to get on the ball and go forward. Always positive and decent delivery into the area. However, his lack of discipline in sticking to his wing meant we never had an option on the left flank and Moloney offered nothing. Also, defensively was nowhere near good enough as Burnley controlled the side of the pitch. 6/10
Miller- Tough night for him when he was technically playing up top on his own. Had the odd chance and ruffled a few feathers but nothing major. Will probably feel hard done by that he didn't get a chance to play with a striker alongside him. 7/10
Blackstock- Put himself about and won a few flicks. Seemed to be an understanding with Tudgay as well. Looked more threatening after he came on. 7/10
Tudgay- Similarly to above, Tudgay put in another workman-like shift. Not afraid to get stuck in and showed understanding with Dexter. 7/10
Reid-  Probably should have come on earlier for me. It might be his fitness but he should be starting for me. Has the ability to spot that through ball and his delivery from dead ball situations was excellent as well. 7/10

I remember when we were in our last relegation battle in the Championship and Billy Davies came in and brought a few loan signings in. One of them was Dexter Blackstock who popped up with a beautiful volley against Bristol City which signalled our fight and passion to save ourselves. The loan signings (and Davies admittedly) changed the atmosphere and mentality of the place.

There may be no Davies this time but it would be fantastic if the loan signings could come in and lift everyone. It's a lot to ask, but it's our last hope now.

So on to our next game...oh wait. Derby away. Bugger.

I'll be there. My optimism won't be.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

NFFC vs Leicester - 17.01.12 - FA Cup Replay

You cannot beat a good away day. The excitement, the raucous atmosphere, the passion.

Such a shame that last night's game lacked all of that.

It was my first away day since that depressing night in Swansea and as per usual, I went with the quiet optimism that we could snatch a result.

Leicester weren't in great form, beaten on their own patch at the weekend, we've been better away from home this season and it was a welcome distraction from the league.

How wrong was I?

I know in my past entries, I've been upbeat, finding the positives and stating, almost begging fans to realise that it's not as bad as everyone thinks.

Last night, I was well and truly made to eat humble pie.

We were appalling. There were so many things wrong with the performance, I simply wouldn't know where to begin. I genuinely cannot stress how dreadful it was. My old Sunday morning team would have stood a chance last night.

As footballers, they couldn't hold on to the ball, they couldn't pass the ball 10/20 yards and they were lacking in discipline.

As for Nottingham Forest footballers, they lacked passion, enthuasism, motivation, I could go on and on.

As for Cotterill, it's time for him to earn his wages. In fairness, I don't think too much was wrong with his tactics. Two defensive midfielders, away from home, a formation that has worked for us recently and a much needed rest for Marcus Tudgay.

At 2-0 down, he made the necessary changes to go and attack and try and get ourselves back into it. But it was just never good enough.

We weren't on the same pitch in the opening half hour and by the time we did wake up and have an attack. We were 2-0 down and the game was over.

The first goal was embarrassing. No-one went out to meet the cross and the ball was always going to end up in the net. The second one is unlucky, but its this kind of luck that disappears when you're down the bottom. If Campy leaves the whipped cross, it goes out for a throw-in. However, he doesn't know that no-one's behind him and has to throw a glove at it. In doing so, he plants it perfectly onto Beckford's head. What are the chances?!

The most frustrating thing, was when we played football, we walked through the defence. How many times have I said that this season? We saw Findley miss a sitter, Harewood miss a chance 6 yards out and a Lynch header that were all created following simple football. How hard is it to realise it works?!

I can't believe this time two years ago, we demolished a West Brom side on their own turf. How times have changed.

The injuries cannot be ignored nor can they be used as an excuse. But it's no coincidence that Leicester, and Beckford in particular, enjoyed themselves so much with the makeshift defence we put out.

It was just a shambles from start to finish and it was a horrible night to witness.

The only positive was the fans. I've given them their fair amount of stick on this blog and rightly deserved in my opinion. I've said before, every fan is entitled to their opinion, they've spent their money to be there. But the opinion must be realistic and plausible.

So chanting Billy Davies' name doesn't help anyone. I began this blog back in August, stating that the time was probably right for a change in the hope to move forward.

That definitely hasn't happened and Doughty called it wrong. But chanting Davies' name is useless. It was the wrong decision but it cannot be rectified. He won't be brought back for a number of reasons, but the main one, is the one we've heard far too many times: Money.

We couldn't afford to pay the compensation for Cotterill's men so how on earth would it be plausible for us to pay off Cotterill and then begin paying Davies again?

For any fans who don't see where I'm going with this...ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

Just because he's on ESPN, doesn't mean he's on his way back anytime soon. He needs income just like the rest of us. Enough of the Davies chants. Back the manager, it's the only way we're going to get ourselves out of this.

However, they did stay humourous throughout and came up with some hilarious chants such as 'let's pretend we've just scored' and 'Andy Reid, he eats what he wants'.

It was that bad on the pitch that if the fans didn't laugh, they would almost certainly cry.

As for the players ratings, I'm not sure there's much point. No-one put in a good enough performance that would equal higher than 2/10 and no-one stood up to be counted. The best player on the night was Lynch and he was taught a footballing lesson from Beckford and Nugent.

As for the future, I'm left a little speechless by it all. If every performance is like that, then we'll be relegated and in administration before we know it.

Enough's enough. That performance was as low as it gets and it's now up to Cotterill, the players, the staff and ourselves as fans to fight to stay in this division.

The fixtures don't get any easier, so we can make a go of it or go down with a whimper.

As I write this, the club have announced the arrival of Sean o' Driscoll. This has to be excellent news. He worked wonders with an average Doncaster team and he plays football in the right manner. It's the first addition to the managerial team that Cotterill has been able to make and fingers crossed, it will be benficial to the team.

On a final note, one 'fan' tweeted to Radio Nottingham 'Time for Doughty to get his chequebook out.'

Is this guy for real? Or just so desperate to get his name on the radio, that he wrote the most ridiculous rubbish.

I've made my feelings quite clear regarding those mindless 'supporters' who protested for Doughty out. But he's gone and is only the owner of the club. Nothing more. He has no reason to give his own money to the club.

The only thing we can hope now, is his feelings as a fan of the club are stronger than his feelings about being protested against and he is able to give some money in attempt to save this club.

I somehow doubt he will even bother ringing up his financial advisors.

Sunday 15 January 2012

NFFC vs Southampton 14.1.12

Well the unbeaten start to 2012 lasted long didn't it? All of two games.

The short duration of potential excitement and almost anticipation for the next game has well and truly left us after we were taught a lesson by league leaders Southampton.

Following the result, I received a few texts saying 'I see Forest are doing well' and sarcastic comments such as this. I don't blame these people for the banter, if their team were in a similar situation, I'd be firing the comments right back at them. It's part and parcel of being so vocal about who you support.

By my biggest frustration is the fact they are making assumptions purely from the scoreline. I'm not saying this is wrong, we all do it. I saw a few scores yesterday and thought 'bloody hell, they've had a nightmare' when in fact, they've just not had the luck of the green.

Yesterday was, for me, another example of this. For the first half yesterday, admittedly we weren't at our best. But we weren't played off the park by the Saints. We moved the ball well, we created chances and both Lynch and Harewood should have put us in front before Southampton took the lead.

Furthermore, the sending off of Chambers changed the game. I'm not blaming this or using it as an excuse, but few teams in the division would be able to contain the league leaders with 10 men for 45 minutes.

I take nothing away from Southampton, you can see why they are in the top spot. They attacked with pace, they were direct and all players were comfortable on the ball.

They also took their chances. As I've replied in many of my texts, the performances are moving in the right direction. But performances don't gain you points.

Maybe I'm too optamistic. Maybe I haven't had enough experience of football in general to be able to see what's so obviously coming around the corner.

But I'm bored of the inaccurate comments. I've said before and I'll say it again that I don't believe we'll be relegated, I'll put my student loan on it. It's a small positive, but Millwall's spanking against Birmingham suggests a side really lacking confidence and in freefall. Ipswich's collapse of a 2-0 lead suggests a team lacking belief that they can see out a game.

Sure, you can link it to Forest. But the variables were against us yesterday. This included an appalling set of officials and seeing as I'm allowed to have my opinion and not get fined by the FA, I would go on record of stating that I hope they are never able to set foot on the same pitch as Nottingham Forest again. The referee had an appalling game. Simple decisions wrong. One example was Gareth McCleary down the left flank, was slide challenged and the ball went behind for a corner. All areas of the ground erupted into encouraging cheers and both sets of players went to take their positions in the box. The referee gives a goal kick. It may seem like a minor call, but Southampton had problems from balls into the box all afternoon and had Forest got a goal back at that point, (we were 2-0 down), the game could have changed dramatically.

As for the red card, I'm not even sure he was going to give a free kick until he saw the reaction of the Saints players. He panicked, thought he'd missed something and was peer pressured into giving a red.

Now, I'm not a biased fan. I don't believe Forest are the greatest team in the world, and I don't live on past glories in Europe. But I do believe that ref has been peer pressured into that and Forest should most definitely appeal. However, it's all corrupt and the FA won't want to be seen as not supporting their officials so are likely to announce the appeal as unsuccessful.

It's so infuriating. Dexter Blackstock has been recieving treatment like that and more for the past couple of weeks and barely won a free kick. It's inconsistent and the standard of refereeing at the City Ground in past weeks has been nothing short of woeful.

Camp- Was at fault for the third goal and just seemed a bit indifferent throughout the afternoon. Did make a couple of great saves at the end, but too little, too late by then. 5/10
Gunter- I've said it before that Gunts seems more focussed on going forward and delivering that perfect ball that his defensive duties seem to be taking a back seat. Wasn't one of his best performances. Transfer rumours affecting him? Possibly. 6/10
Chambers-Again, wasn't as good as he could have been but marshalled the defence well. Was never a sending off and will feel really hard done by. 6/10
Lynch- Didn't seem settled throughout the game. Went chasing after balls that were never his. Possibly is missing Wes next to him. 6/10
Cunningham- As mentioned above, just wasn't on his A-Game. Attempted to get forward and offer an option but the ball rarely made it too him on the left flank. Was beaten too easily on far too much occasions as well. 5/10
McCleary- Tough game for Gareth. The problem with the performances he's been putting in is teams are going to single him out as the dangerman. It happened yesterday and he was so quickly closed down and marked out of the game, the right winger struggled to get involved. 6/10
Greening- Does the simple stuff well. But after a few encouraging games where he really looked to be settling in the midfield, he went a step backwards. Bottled a few challenges in the middle and was always second to the loose ball. 6/10
Moussi- Offers a lot of strength, power and energy in the middle of the park. Missed him hugely when he was put in the centre of defence. There are still plenty of areas of his game that needs work, but he was one of the brighter performers in yesterday's game. 7/10
McGugan- Similarly to McCleary, was heavily marked out of the game as the Saints completely dominated midfield. But at 2-0 he went missing and it's not good enough. We need everyone to be pulling in the same direction and McGugan, at times, just doesn't seem interested. 5/10
Harewood- My man of the match. Power, strength, energy and even a bit of pace at times. Southampton's defence really struggled to contain him at times and the sooner he is match fit, the better. He could play a big part in the remainder of this seaon. 8/10
Tudgay- Should be overflowing with confidence after his performance at Ipswich. But in the two home games since then, he's struggled to make his mark. Is that linked with the fact a certain Andy Reid is missing? Possibly. But it makes no excuse, he's a striker and there to score goals. The delivery to him was very poor yesterday. Link back to Reid? 6/10
Anderson- Nice to see Ando back and giving his all. Really wanted to get involved and made himself available for the ball. Had a couple of runs down the right flank and offered some balance in the midfield. 7/10
Findley- People will happily slate Findley. Fair enough, he's not offering us any threat. But he is receiving appalling service. 'USA' is at his most dangerous when you give him something to run on to, he has endless amounts of pace and unlike a certain Tyson, he can finish as well. When the delivery is improved, Findley will put the ball in the next; i guarantee it.
Blackstock- Similarly to Findley, struggled to make an impact. Came on and within three minutes, the game was over. I'll always remember Davies' first season at the club when Blackstock was on loan and he rifled that volley in against Bristol City which pretty much guaranteed our safety. We need him to find that fight and passion again, without Davies there to spur him on. 6/10

I always like to listen to Radio Nottingham post match. Whatever the result, I always find they are able to relay the game's details and its consequences in the best manner. They did it yesterday in fine fashion as per usual. I suggest, as I do every week, that some fans have a listen to it, the problems we've had since this summer are ridiculous and unthinkable that it would happen to one club all in one season.

I'm a huge Cotterill fan, he's blunt, honest, down to earth and he doesn't seem to be fazed by much. Yet his post match interview yesterday was brutal at the best of times. I suggest if you didn't hear it, give it a listen on BBC Sport. It was the first time that I was disappointed with his responses and I hope his negativity isn't rubbing off in the dressing room.

Dare I suggest that if it is, Warnock or a certain Billy Davies are available?

IM JOKING. Manager's need time. Steve Cotterill will be a good appointment for this job. No more upheaval. Quick fixes never fix anything.

On to Tuesday night and the replay against Leicester. I've spoke to a few fans who are really pumped for it and disappointed we aren't taking more fans.

But even though I've spent my hard earned student loan on a ticket, I won't be too disappointed to see us lose. We don't need any distractions away from the league this season, nor do we need any games that could result in needless injuries or suspensions. There are positives such as a win on Tuesday could lift everyone once more and if we beat Leicester and then Swindon, we could be rewarded with a lovely money spinning tie against one of the big boys that would given us some much needed revenue.

However, the way our luck has gone this season, I doubt that would happen for us.

On the subject of revenue, very interesting that Derbyshire was left out of the 16 yesterday. Is he on his way out? It would be fanastic if he was. To get his wage bill off the books would allow us to do some 'trading'.
I somehow don't think he was left out because of that though. Maybe because he's been absoutely dreadful? That's probably more like it.

Robin Chipperfield said on Radio Nottingham that if feels like the season we went down under Megson. I disagree and I have a hell of a lot more faith in Cotterill than the clueless ginger idiot.

I just hope I'm right. My student loan is riding on it...

Friday 13 January 2012

NFFC vs Leicester 7.1.12 - FA Cup

Last time I wrote an entry for this blog, the mood around the City Ground was negative, depressing and dull as relegation seemed to be beckoning. 2011 had not been a good year.

Then five minutes into the beginning of the football calendar in 2012, Marcus Tudgay popped up with a superb goal to settle everyone down again. It's amazing how one goal can change everyone's feelings. Make no mistake of Tuds' finish, that is a sublime effort.

Gareth McClearly continued his good form with a superb solo effort, a goal that the Ipswich commontators described as 'the best goal you will see this season at Portman Road'; quite the accolade I'm sure you'll agree. 

Tudgay added a 3rd and everything was nice and rosy in the world of Nottingham Forest again.

Well no, actually. 

It was a superb win and a muchly needed win. From previous posts, you'll know that I'm all about the positivity and believe me, when that final whistle went, I was on another level of positivity. 

But the game oozed two relegation candidates in defence terms. It could have, and probably should have been 2-2 at half time and anything from 4-4 at full time.

It was also nice to see Reidy involved in all three goals. He's had a bit of an indifferent start to the season but I really do think he's beginning to find his form and his experience and ability is indespensible at this level.

But the football gods finally decided to shine on us and we moved forward to the FA encounter with our East Midlands neighbours, Leicester City.

Leicester are so desperate to be rivals for us, but I think I echo the majority of fans views when I say, we're really not that fussed. Yes, we don't like them, but it's nothing compared to the rivalry we share with our friends down the other end of the A52.

As for the game itself, it wasn't a classic. It didn't have that FA Cup feel to it, no tempo, no excitement, no heat to the game.

From what people have told me, I missed the best chances of the game in the opening five minutes as I made my way to the seat.

We appear to have a brilliant knack of discovering goalkeeper's in their best vein of form, and Kasper Schmeichel was another one to add to the list.

Both teams set up to frustrate each other and in the end we just cancelled each other out. Neither side got beyond the opposition's back line and the game just sort of petered away.

The draw for the 4th round didn't do much to inspire either side to get the win next Tuesday but the victorious team will fancy their chances of beating Swindon and all of a sudden, you're in the last 16 of the FA Cup.

Although I'll be there next Tuesday, rooting the lads on. I don't fancy our chances. I think, and I don't blame him, that Cotterill is firmly focussed on keeping Nottingham Forest in the Championship this season. If it was between that result and a game against Swindon and possibly a money-earning tie in the following round, I know which route I'd want to go down.

Admittedly, I did begin doing the player's ratings but I found that for every player, I was writing the same thing: 'Didn't do too much wrong, just lacked that spark, creativity or passion that is normally in their game'.

Must mention the debut of Keiron Freeman. Make no mistake, that is one hell of a game to go and make your debut in and I thought he handled the situation superbly. Nothing extraordinary, did the simple stuff well and was rarely beaten down when defending the left flank. Offered us an attacking outlet as well.

Almost disappointed that he's moved across the river today to join Notts County for a month. But Cunningham will be our first choice and it would be unfair of Cotterill to expect Freeman to go back to the reserves and youth team, or even sit on the bench when he could be gaining some muchly needed experience for a team that is doing well in just a division below. I hope it's a successful spell.

So tomorrow, we welcome league leaders Southampton to the City Ground. Quite honestly, I'm not sure we could be playing them at a better time. Not in great form with only two wins in eight and their lead at the top has been slashed from a 5 point gap to just goal difference

They're conceding goals at quite a rate although 'keeper Kelvin Davis is fit for tomorrow and make no bones about it, he's a superb shot-stopper at this level.

However, I haven't heard any appeal from the Saints regarding the red card of Rickie Lambert's red card meaning the striker will be serving his suspension. Another plus for the Reds.

We need to keep the pressure on those above us and with Millwall seemingly in freefall, there's a serious chance we could be out of the bottom three by 5pm tomorrow.

With the London team having to play an in-form Birmingham side, I really do fancy tomorrow to be a good day. 

I just hope I'm right.

Monday 2 January 2012

NFFC vs Cardiff City 31.11.11

'If Forest had scored just one goal in their last seven games, they would have picked up seven points and be in a much better position.'

The words of Colin Fray after we dominated a game, failed to score and lost 1-0. Again.

When I started this blog, never did I think that I would be lost for words. But even I realise that I'm just typing the same stuff, week in, week out.

The most used comment I've had for the blog is that it's too long. So this may suit everyone when I simply say: 'refer to last post for match opinion'.

In fairness, the performance was even better than the Peterborough game. I felt we dominated even more and actually had chances that got me on the edge of my seat.

We had a couple of penalty shouts turned away, McGugan rifled a beautiful half volley just past the post and even a Marcus Tudgay bicycle kick couldn't change our luck.

I had allowed the thought of our luck changing when Kenny Miller missed a sitter from six yards.
Then Peter Whittingham delivered a sublime ball which the Scottish striker met perfectly and the ball looped into the top corner.

You have to feel for the players. I mean everyone connected with the club cannot believe our fortunes at the moment, but they must not know what else they can do out there.

Naturally, everyone has their own opinion. I've spoke to a few people who actually don't think we're playing that well. Saying it's okay to dominate possession but if you don't make advancements in terms of terrority then it makes no difference.

It's an interesting angle. Not one I agree with. Not when you compare our performances now with those performances under McLaren. We have come on leaps and bounds.

Also, it was brilliant to hear the City Ground in full voice once again. It appears fans are beginning to realise how important it is to get behind the team rather than slating them. There were a few boos at the end, but that's just frustration more than everything I think.

Camp - Again, don't feel like he had a bad game. Could do nothing about the goal, perfectly placed header and his distribution and temp of play was good. 8/10
Gunter - Came out this week and said he wants to stay at Forest. Great news. Premiership defender. He does have one weakness though and that's heading a ball. He got caught out, not for the first time this season as Miller nipped in. Put a dampner on his performance. 7/10
Chambers - Again, solid performance. Cardiff rarely got behind the back line and this was down to Chambo's marshalling. 8/10
Lynch - My man of the match and still the frontrunner for player of the year for me. Everytime he plays at centre back, the defence looks so much more assured. Made a world class block in the first half as well. Dedication to the cause. 9/10
Cunningham - Great news about securing this lad's services until the end of the season. Another performance where very little got past him. Assured, calm with ability in abundance. 8/10
McCleary - Terrorised the left side of City's defence in the first half. So much so that Cardiff put two men on him at all times in the second half and the winger doesn't have enough experience so how to shake them off so went missing a bit in the second period. 8/10
Moussi -  Still don't feel we're seeing his best form. Seems a bit unsettled. Was strong and powerful in the middle of the park but made some bad decisions in terms of moving the ball. 7/10
Greening - Has dramatically improved of late. More freedom under Cotterill is an obvious change, but he's getting stuck in, winning the ball and attempting to stamp his authority on the game a lot more. Still went missing from time to time but much improved. 8/10
McGugan -  Such a difference from Boxing day. Clearly isn't a left winger but didn't let it effect him. Wanted the ball and always did something productive with it. Real class on the day and showed it with his half volley that deserved to fly into the net. 8.5/10
Tudgay -  Same old story, such a workhorse. Cannot fault his effort and determination and I genuinely think he loves it at Forest. The run in the side has improved his confidence as well and he's getting a few fans. 8/10
Findley - Gutted that he goes injured after such a short time. Even in the five minutes he was on the pitch, he managed to scare the defence and round the keeper before being brought down. Hope it's not serious. 2/10
Derbyshire - Only player that has any negativity surrounding him. He simply is nowhere near good enough. Ambles about on the pitch and shows no effort in wanting to score a goal. 2/10
Reid - Similarly to the Peterborough game, worked hard and offered a threat on the left flank. Maybe his fitness means he can't play 90 minutes. 7/10
Bamford - Nice to see the young striker given a chance. In the 20 minutes he was on, he showed ability, confidence, strength and pace and I expect him to be involved at Ipswich. 7/10

So onto today and Ipswich away. What a chance this is for us to turn our season around.

Ipswich have had a mini revival recently and have had some good results. But they have conceded goals and are still a relegation candidate in my opinion. Secretly, I'm rather confident for today's game.

However, we will miss Lynch hugely and it doesn't look as if Marlon will get the international clearance which is a massive shame. But there's nothing we can do and fingers crossed, we all pull together and a new year means a change of luck.

Or maybe, I'll just copy and paste this post in preparation for the next blog entry.