Saturday 10 March 2012

NFFC vs Doncaster Rovers 06.03.12

It's amazing how quickly the enthusiasm disappears following a disgraceful performance such as the one I witnessed on Tuesday night.

Admittedly, its that time of year again when University deadlines are piling up as well as extra-curricular activities reaching a crescendo, I haven't had much time to write the entry. But make no mistake about it, I wasn't exactly chomping at the bit to write this.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't thinking that after seven points from the last nine, we were safe from relegation. Far from it actually. I'm fully aware there will be plenty more twists or turns between now and end of the season. But it was such an opportunity missed. We had the opportunity to be seven points clear. SEVEN. But a lack of passion, motivational and tactics by the looks of things meant we were outplayed in every area of the pitch by the bottom team in the division.

I'm not a boo boy. But for those who did boo them, had every right to. The performance was a disgrace.

I've no doubts that the negativity around the City Ground is affecting the team. Hence why we have a better away record. But our big games that we have left are at home. We must be picking up points at the City Ground.

In the space of 10 minutes, I did lose all the enthusiasm I had previously had. The news of Donny signing Freddie Piquionne filtered through (and I still have no idea how they managed to pull that off) and the news that Chris Gunter was right wing. I began the night slating the selection and why are we continuously put round pegs in square holes. Chris Gunter is a right back. He is a defender. Well so I thought anyway...

The Welshman had a nightmare and I will now not pussyfoot around him. I appreciate he's an international but Wales must be a lot better at stopping crosses than Forest are. Because Gunter can simply not defend them and was hugely at fault for the second goal as he failed to mark the man at the back post.

He was also at fault for the first goal, giving the ball away but no-one saw Piquionne's strike coming, that was Premiership class.

The news of Lacelles going out on loan is good news. He deserves some first team experience and it implies Higginbotham is fit which is excellent news for all concerned.

Blackstock took his goal well and he should be bubbling with confidence. Findley on the other hand, is having serious problems. Cotterill wouldn't divulge on the radio but there is clearly something wrong. I struggle to feel sorry for the American though, he's a striker and must score goals. If he has personal problems, take some time off. Don't bring your personal problems to your profession.

Man of the match for me was Elokobi and his injury was a great shame. I hope its not as serious as first thought. However, it has been timed well with the return of Cunningham who looked to be chomping at the bit to get back involved and I was impressed with him before he got injured.

Other than Elokobi, McCleary and Blackstock, I struggle to remember any playter who performed with any pride or passion. Its not worth doing the players rating because I'd simply be repeating myself.

As for today, I'm not expecting much. Millwall have made a real fight of it of late and have been making some real strides in the league. I don't want to sound like a miserable bugger, but theres not much I can do about that at the moment. After Tuesday's performance, we've taken about 8 steps back.

It needs to be one hell of a performance to improve spirits at the City Ground today and I just can't see it happening.

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