Tuesday 27 December 2011

NFFC vs Peterborough 26.12.11

As I began the last blog, i offer my apologies for not posting as regularly as I would of liked. Admittedly, I didn't see the Palace game on the 10th due to University deadlines and I haven't been to any away games recently due to lack of funds - but I'm sure we're all feeling the strain as christmas has just passed us by for another year.

However, as much as I like to stay on top of the blog and be a regular poster, I can't help but feel I simply could have copied and posted the same entry from one week to the next.

'Forest on top, couldn't score, concede down the other end, lose the game.'

Surprise, surprise, it was the same yesterday.

Quite honestly, I just feel a bit exhausted by it all and I'm not entirely sure where to begin.

Let's start with an obvious positive: The team has come on leaps and bounds since the dark days of McLaren. This team wants to play for Cotterill and they are doing their damned hardest to get a result.

The boo boys will always come out in force at the City Ground and it is one thing that really rattles me during a game. We seem to have in abundance, a selection of fans who genuinely think they could do a better job and sitting there slating the players will get the job done.

I actually heard one man shout 'put the reserves on, they'll do a better job.'

It's something I have to disagree with. The players on the pitch are not playing badly. Certainly not in the last 4 weeks or so. There is just something missing. Something is just not going right for us.

I hate to bring the old 'luck is against us' excuse into play, but I can't help but feel that it is really is at the moment. We can't catch a break. We came up against inspired keeping from David James last week, we dominated at Brighton before they snatched a late one and yesterday was exactly the same. Some people will say: 'You make your own luck' and I agree, but every loose ball fell to a player in black yesterday and it just became disheartening.

Saying that, although I felt we controlled the game, Posh's keeper has had very few saves to make. Six games without a goal is a worrying statistic. Maybe the final ball is letting us down and despite spending long durations of time, camped in the opponents half, we lack that killer instinct to make the attack count.

There were a couple of times yesterday where we broke away on the attack and either completely slowed the play down, allowing all of Boro's defence to get back into position, or we wasted it with a stupid 'Beckham-esque' pass that just meandered aimlessly out of play.

Clearly it's a culmination of factors. Yet, I still believe that when that first goal goes in, and it may need to be off someones backside to be honest, then things will turn around.

I'll make the statement now that I don't think we'll be relegated. People are panicking. It's a horrible position to be in, but the capability within our squad means we should be challenging the top half of the table, not in a relegation battle.

Although the results aren't showing that, the performances are. Chambers said in the post match interview, 'maybe we just need to win ugly' and he's exactly right. Once that first goal and hopefully first win comes again, I have no doubts we'll starting picking up points and moving in the right direction.

Yes there's a gap appearing, but quite honestly, if we finish 21st and stay in this division, then we have to be content with that. Not ecstatic, not even happy, but content. Let's not forget there has been a lot of upheaval over the summer; two changes of managers, different ideas, different staff, different regimes. They are all going to take it's toll.

But people appear to have forgotten the start we had under Cotterill. If you ever needed proof that we've got the right man, then those results are everything you need. The players know they can do it because just over a month ago, we were 17th and people were talking about play offs. It might be a tough couple of months,it might be a tough remainder of the season, but I fully expect us to get out of it, Cotterill knows what he's doing.

However, whether we are out of trouble by Februrary or we escape on the last day of the season, will all depend on the January transfer window.

We have such a depleated squad and it isn't helping matters. Moussi at centre back underlines that point.
Morgan, Ando, Moloney, Lynch, Boateng, Miller, Cohen, Lascelles are the main casulties, that's EIGHT names. We only have a squad of 24. So our squad of 16 essentially picks itself.

We need reinforcements and January 1st cannot come soon enough.

That brings nicely back on to the idiots who protested against the board, just a couple of months ago. Cotterill said we have no money, that's down to the fact that those mindless 'fans' removed our main source of money.

The gaffer also indicated that players will have to leave before new ones come in. Well, I can tell you now we won't be shifting any of the higher earners, nobody wants them. Derbyshire, Boateng, Greening, will all be at this club on Febuary 1st.

The players leaving will be the ones that are vital to the team if we are to get out of this mess. Rumours already flying about that Morgan has turned down a new contract and will leave along with Gunts who is attracting interest from the Premier League.

When Financial Fair Play comes in next season, it should put us in a strongish position due to our size and fanbase. Yet it will all be to no avail, if we're sitting in League One because we've had to sell our better players to keep the club in business for the remainder of this season.

I sincerly hope all the uneducated idiots who protested now feel very proud of themselves. Because I doubt they know the huge mess they've put us in.

Back to yesterday and I have made it quite clear I felt we were hard done by. I could continue to go on about other factors, such as the referee had an absolute shocker, but those things go against you when you're down at the bottom. It's just the way it is. Only one team can change it and that's ourselves.

To see George Boyd curl that effort in was rather sickening, with him being an ex player and saying this week, he was glad he didn't sign for us. We gave too much time and space to their best player and he punished us. Simple as that.

Saying that, I must give a mention to Peterborough's Paul Taylor who ran the game all afternoon. No Forest defender could get close to him and he was a serious thorn in our side.

As the minutes dragged on, Forest appeared to lose their motivation quickly and made mistakes that I used to do on a sunday morning at amateur level. We need to go back to basics and play to our strengths; one touch passing, using the wings, strikers need to be closer together. I lost count of the amount of times Dexter or Tuds won a flick on, but the other striker was nowhere near to him to chase it.

Camp- Couldn't do much about the goal and controlled his area well. Distributed well in tough conditions and kept the ball moving. 7/10
Gunter- Yet again, ran and ran all afternoon. Can never fault his attitude. Begging he doesn't want to jump ship. 8/10
Moussi- Not a centre back, made that quite obvious. Had a good battle with Sinclair who probably taught him a thing or two. Get used to it Mou, you could be there for a few games to come. 6/10
Chambers- Again, didn't go much wrong. Was strong, defended well, marshalled the defence. 7/10
Cunningham- One of the few who showed that extra bite and tenacity, that extra bit of pace and determination. Up and down the wing all afternoon. I hope we can sort out an extension of the loan deal. 8/10
Greening- Can't believe I'm saying this, but probably my man of the match. He appeared to be more aware of his position yesterday and although the odd error slipped in, he worked incredibly hard and chased lost causes all afternoon. The midfield were seriously overran by Peterborough, but Greening won his individual battle. 9/10
McGugan- Bit of an indifferent performance from Lewis. Showed glimpses of brilliance but also showed glimpses of laziness. Seemed intent on trying to change the course of the game but believes he can do all by himself. 7/10
Ando-Injured after 5 minutes. Fingers crossed its not serious. 1/10
Majewski- Didn't even know he was on the pitch. Struggled to get involved on the left wing. Right to be substituted. 4/10
Blackstock- Still trying to find match form but took a beating all afternoon with no reprieve from a dismal referee. Desperate for him to get one goal and then the rest should flow...hopefully! No partnership with Tudgay though. 7/10
Tudgay- As always, worked incredibly hard and appears to have a confidence about him that is very much needed if we're to break this spell. Had a header cleared off the line and we weren't the same threat after he was substituted. 8/10
McClearly- Has skill and ability in abundance but just needs a bit of confidence and experience to know when to run at the full back and when to put the ball in the box. Was a huge threat on the right wing and most of the danger came from his trickery. 8/10
Reid- He may not be the most energetic player on the pitch but Reidy brings a huge amount of experience with him and the ability to produce something special. Although it wasn't a perfect performance by any means, he did offer a different outlet of danger on the left wing. Pushing for a starting place. 8/10
Derbyshire- Dear oh dear. Lack of running, lack of motivation, lack of enthusiasm. I simply thought he was appalling. How he played Champions League football I'll never know. Needs to seriously buck his ideas up. Robbie Findley should have been given the nod. 2/10

It doesn't get any easier as Cardiff visit the City Ground on Saturday. Whoever the opposition, the task is simple: score.

Once we do that, the rest will follow. You heard it here first.

Friday 2 December 2011

NFFC vs Leeds United 29.11.11

First and foremost, apologies for this blog being three days late.

In reference to my earlier entry, I said that I was on work experience. Despite returning from London, I have missed two weeks worth of university so to say I'm snowed under with assignments would be somewhat of an understatement.

However, after the dismal defeat on Tuesday night, it's probably lucky that I have been unable to write the entry, as it just would have been a full blown rant on the debacle that took place in front of me.

The performance was so appalling, so lacklustre, so embarrassing, that I'm not even sure where to start.

I'm not, and never have been a 'boo boy'. I'm a firm believer in being a supporter and 'supporting' the team whenever I watch them. From playing amateur football on a Saturday and Sunday morning, I know how an encouraging comment can inspire you so much more than a derogatory comment.

But even I was having to really try to stop my vocal chords from issuing the low, booming sound of a 'boooo'. Both at half time and full time.

I really felt like we were making progress under Cotterill, even the games we had lost, had come from us not taking our chances, not because we weren't in the game.

I can't put my finger on it. Maybe just Leeds were so pumped because of Gary Speed's death and their hope to credit it. Let's make no mistake, the media were loving the fact that the headline and the angle was pretty much assured from the moment Leeds went ahead: 'That's for Gary'.
Please don't think I'm slating the Welshman, his death was an awful tragedy and a huge shock for the world of football.

But from the first moment, we simply didn't have a defence. Whether he's captain or not, Chambers must be dropped. I've been a fan of Chambo, but take that captain's armband off him and bring in a international right back that is wasting away on the bench.

I'd forgotten about Gunts, I must admit, but how are we leaving him out? He's our most consistent and reliable player by a country mile.

Wes and Lynch were a shambles and Cunningham looked way out of his depth all night.

I could go through the whole squad and slate them. The only player who showed any passion and drive for Andy Reid, and he got himself sent off.

In addition to this, I listened to the post match interview with Cotterill where he stated that it wasn't a time to raise his voice, because it 'wouldn't help matters'.

Are you joking?

For some reason, there is a disgusting arrogance amongst our squad. We believe that we should be winning games because of their little ego's and the stature of our club.

After the Ipswich game, we were SEVEN points clear of relegation. SEVEN! Granted, a lot of the teams around us are winning games, Bristol City in particular have had an amazing turnaround. But we clearly thought we were safe and sound and the play offs were beckoning.

Well, forget that. Because it's nearly christmas and make no mistakes about it, we're in a relegation battle.

I have no doubts, Coventry and Doncaster will be relegated. Too much to turn around at both clubs. But that 3rd place is up for grabs and at the moment, we're filling in.

January will be huge. I don't know the funds we have but there needs to be signings. There needs to be competition for places and we simply need more ability.

Dexter Blackstock's return will also be vital as well.

Camp: Unsurprisingly had a shocker. Distrubution was awful. Shot stopping was awful. Absolute shambles. 3/10
Chambers: Goes forward, tries to give options but is not a right back. Moved across to centre back and didn't improve any further. 3/10
Morgan: Was mugged off by Luciano Becchio for the duration of the night. Never got involved in the pace of the game and his passing was awful. No link with Lynch. 3/10
Lynch: After being the main player since the season began, he had an absolute shocker. At fault for the second goal, chasing a header that was never meant to be his. Dreadful night. Probably the best defender on the night though. Says a lot. 4/10
Cunningham: Completely out of sorts all night, never looked comfortable on the ball and was caught in possession numerous times. 1/10
Anderson: Probably my man of the match. Stuggled to stay disciplined to his right wing but was direct and offered an attacking threat. 5/10
McGugan: Went missing as per usual when things aren't going right. Can't remember a single thing he did all night come to think about it. Dreadful. 1/10
Reid: Brought back into the side for recent subtitute appearances. Showed it in glimpses but lack of proffessionalism by getting sent off, but at least he showed some fight and passion. Dead ball deliveries were appalling as well. Not a good night. 4/10
Moussi: I don't think I can put into words how dreadful his performance was. Absolute shambles. It was a performance that wouldn't have got into Wollaton FC - my sunday league team. And we weren't great.
Tudgay: Never had a partnership with Findley all night, little kid lost all night. 3/10
Findley: Never showed his pace and ability, probably due to the delivery of balls but had a nightmare, just like the rest of his teammates. 2/10

Cotterill said we need to do some trading in January.

I personally cannot wait, cos we bloody need it.

Friday 25 November 2011

NFFC vs Work Experience?

I couldn't believe when I logged on to see I hadn't entered a blog since the beginning of November and here we are, nearly at the end of November.

Unfortunately, we had to sit through yet another 'international weekend' which I must admit, are really beginning to annoy me.

Two pointless friendlies. Fine, there will be people who argue Capello needs to give his squad a run out to try new things and it brings money into the game blah blah blah. But it wasn't that long ago since the qualifiers and I would LOVE it if we could just have a few weeks with no interruptions of good ol' league football.

Teams can gather momentum, league tables can start to take shape and we can all sit down on a Saturday evening knowing that Match of the Day will be on.

Anyway, that's a rant for another time.

Normally, I would have posted my thoughts after the win against Ipswich. But I hate to admit that I actually missed the game.

As a sports journalist who is still relatively new to the industry, I have to pave my way into the right areas. This includes doing as much free graft as possible and this is what happened these past two weeks.

I spent last week with Channel 4's press team before spending a week at football magazine FourFourTwo. I can honestly admit, being based in London for two straight weeks was a huge shock to the system.

But I've learnt a lot and my enthusiasm for the industry has only increased. And guess what?
I actually got my first piece of published work! That's always exciting.

If you're interested, have a read and let me know what you think.

Anyway, all this hectic scheduling resulted in me missing one of the best games of the season by the sound of things.

But I'll say the obvious stuff.

What a brilliant turnaround under Cotterill. It may sound very PR-ish but huge credit must go to the team for coming from behind twice. Under McLaren, we'd gone under and been beaten.

There's clearly work to be done, I'm sick and tired of reading we've dominated but are now behind. But Blackstock is chomping at the bit to come back in and with Ando back as well, we have options and a bit more competition for places.

Maybe a January signing up front? I'm not sure. Tudgay's confidence must be at a high and Findley and Miller will want to stay involved as well so not sure if its needed.

I can't really comment much more than having not seen the game, but the win saw us seven points from the play offs and seven points from relegation; nicely mid table. Now let's keep moving up.

Tough game against Cardiff tomorrow and I expect Earnie to score. Nice of him to come out and say he won't celebrate.  I hope he means it.

I'll take a point tomorrow and continue to pick up points! COYR

Wednesday 2 November 2011

NFFC vs Reading 01.11.11

It wasn't pretty. It wasn't glamerous. It's wasn't free-flowing exciting football.

But it was enough.

Marcus Tudgay's goal was enough to give us a vital win and continue our excellent start under Cotterill's guidance.

It seems opposition are catching on to the fact that Forest play better when they have the crowd behind them. Make no mistake about it, when the City Ground is in a europhic mood, there aren't many grounds in the Championship that could compete with the atmosphere it creates.
So away teams are coming to Nottingham, intent on frustrating Forest and therefore frustrating the fans who then get on the player's backs and this results in a bad performance.
Hull did it at the weekend and Reading had a very good go at it last night.

Admittedly, it's not something we like to see. Every NFFC fan knows that we have some of the most gifted and talented footballers in our squad when the ball is at their feet. McGugan, Majewski, Reid, Findley, I could go on. So to see the ball being aimlessly lofted towards a target man immediately equals groans from all four corners of the ground.

But there's a difference in there. A month ago, we would of succumbed to the disharmony within the ground, crumbled and been beaten by a very average Reading team. Last night, we held our own, defended strongly, worked through it and got our reward as 'Tuds' swivelled and neatly tucked the ball away.

Huge credit must go to Cotterill for instilling that belief in the lads once again that, if they try hard enough, they'll get their reward and that's exactly what happened.

While on the note of Cotterill, it must also be mentioned that the gaffer has brought none of his own staff in. That says a huge amount for the likes of Rob Kelly and Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink who, I'm sure, are working tirelessly behind the scenes.

As I watched from Main Stand, the squad felt different from those dark days under McClaren. We were a team. The managerial staff were giving out instructions and the players on the pitch were clearly taking it on board and running back on to the pitch with a spring in their step.

As I've said in previous posts, the opposition must be recognised in order to understand what a great win this is.
Reading were unbeaten in eight. Okay, they weren't setting the division alight but they were a well organised side and teams, including the likes of Southampton and Derby, had been struggling to beat them.
So for us to take three points off them and end that run is a fantastic achievement and the lads deserve their plaudits.

Cotterill made two changes to the side that lost against Hull, bringing in Robbie Findley for the injured Miller, which is a huge blow, and Moussi came in for Greening. I think the majority of the 18,600 people would have admitted that this was the correct team to play.

What I like about Cotterill is he does exactly what he's meant to. He's a manager. He isn't afraid of ego's or looking after any star players, the message is clear: go and earn your place.
Greening wasn't good enough on Saturday and he was dropped. After a dreadful first half, Cotterill recognised the weakness, realised we had to bring someone on who could control the tempo of the game and add a bit of quality to unlock a compact Reading defence and brought on Andy Reid for Radi. I've said before the Pole looks to be the real deal this season but he never got going last night. There were a fair few jeers where I was sitting when the substitute was announced but fair play to Cotterill, he got is spot on and I'd go as far as saying that the Irish midfielder really influenced the game.

We've seen it before from Cotterill as well. He doesn't sit there and hope it will turn out for the best, he acts and he acts quickly. Look at the Blackpool game, Moussi sent off and Derbyshire, just moments after coming on, is brought off again. Yes, it's harsh on the striker who I'm sure is desperate for a run in the side but Cotterill did what he had to for the good of the team. We came away with three points so who's complaining? More importantly was the moment on Radio Nottingham where he told us why he did it. He recognises us as fans and what we can bring to the team and little snippets of information like that are greatly appreciated.

Camp- Had little to do all night but when it mattered most, he pulled of a screamer of a save in stoppage time to guarantee us the win. Tough task to keep concentration over 90 minutes but he did it and he deserves as much credit as Tudgay down the other end. 8/10
Chambers- We all know he isn't a right back. But he will give his all for this Forest team and is beginning to show captain's qualities. Was taught a lesson by Robson-Kanu on a few occasions but worked hard and supplied the cross for the goal. 7/10
Morgan- Good ol' Wes just goes about his game as usual. Strong and dominant with the odd bit of clumsiness thrown in. Had a tough battle with Reading striker Manset but clearly won as the latter was taken off at 67 minutes.
Lynch- He's done it again. My man of the match. What an incredible turn around from this player. He used to be the butt of all jokes, now he's everyone's hero. Nothing got past him all night. Chambers is going to have quite a job to regain the centre back position. 9/10
Cunningham- Another solid performance from the loanee. Even though he's young, you can can see the quality of an international player. Confident, composed, energetic, strong, good in the air, I could go on. A very astute signing. 8/10
Moussi- One of the worst games I've seen 'Mou' play. Never stamped his authority in the middle of the park and looked rather timid all night. Jumped out of challenges and was overshawdowed by Leigertwood who ran the midfield. 4/10
Gunter- It's a round peg in a square hole but he worked hard yet again. There was more discipline last night as well as he held his position on the touchline a lot more. Didn't try anything too fancy and was always an option on the right wing. 7/10
McGugan- Interesting night for Lewis. Tried hard initially but when things weren't going right for him and the mood was a bit down around the ground, he just goes missing and shows a severe lack of interest. As soon as the goal goes in, he sparks up again. Hated being overshadowed by Reid as well. Fantastic talent and ability, but he's got to calm his ego down. 7/10
Majewski- One of those nights for Radi, never got close to the high standards he has set this season. It was a shame but sometimes it goes like that. 5/10
Findley- Disappointed with Robbie. In fairness, he wasn't getting much service up front as he played as a target man but to say this was a chance to show why he should be in the team, he didn't take it. Looks as if he needed constant guidance last night. Had one good run though that showed he's got it if he can just have the confidence to show it off. 6/10
Tudgay- This guy gets a lot of stick but I dare you to try and find someone who works harder than Marcus Tudgay. Chasing lost balls, harassing the back line, strong in the air, I can completely understand why Cotterill has kept faith with him. And rightly so and Tuds got the goal he so richly deserved and he took it beautifully as well. Pleased for him. 8/10
Reid- Came on and influenced the game dramatically. Playing in a roaming role, he linked up passages of play from defence, midfield to attack and we started to play the ball on the floor a lot more as well. Some lovely deliveries into the box as well. I hope he can keep it up. 8/10
Moloney- Didn't have a lot of time to make an impact but he didn't let that stop him. Came on for Findley as a left winger and had one attack down the flank before unleashing a low drive that Federici did well to save. Very good attitude from the Irishman. 7/10

The injury to Miller has yet again underlined our small squad but I'm sure the gaffer is doing as much as he can to try and rectify that. Also, as much as I hate the international break for two pointless friendlies, it does give the likes of Ando, McClearly and Blackstock a chance to really work hard and aim to try and get back in the squad to offer some competition. When that happens, then I'll be really excited about the season because Cotterill has worked wonders with a squad that was down in the dumps and staring at a relegation battle so for him to have options and different tactics available, we could be a real force.

Cotterill called for patience in the post match interview last night and we must give him that. Being 19th is never nice, but imagine if we hadn't won 3 from 4. We'd be in serious trouble. There's a very close pack ahead and a few more wins could see us really climb the table. Who'd thought I'd been saying that three weeks ago?!

It'll be an extremely fiery affair on Saturday as Portsmouth will have a point to prove and I'm not sure what reaction Cotterill will get. But I couldn't care as long he delivers as he has been doing these past few weeks.
Portsmouth are a team down there with us and if we are to climb the table, we have to beat the teams around us.
So Saturday is huge and the result will have such an impact as we hit the two week break.
Defeat or a draw and we have to mull over it while trying to avoid seeing the league table.
Get a win though, and we could be in the heights of 13th, top half of the table and possibily looking at the play offs.

Not that I'm getting ahead of myself though. One game at a time and all that....

Sunday 30 October 2011

NFFC vs Hull 30.10.11

Well that defeat wasn't in the script but it's safe to say the 'honeymood' period is most definitely over.
Steve Cotterill, the work really begins here.
Yet, in the bigger picture, how much work actually needs to be done?

Don't get me wrong, there's always work to be done. We've just lost so something clearly isn't right but, as I said against Middlesbrough, we must look at the opposition.

Hull are a team in form, unbeaten in eight games before arriving at the City Ground yesterday and you have to go back to the 16th August to find the last time the Tigers were beaten away from home.

But why are they so tough to beat? I certainly don't think it's because they're the best team in the division nor do I think they'll be challenging the top two by the time May comes around. But if you look at their results combined with the performance yesterday, the answer soon becomes very obvious.

Exclude the recent goalfest against Watford and you'll see a continuous pattern. When Hull have picked up points this season, they've either won 1-0 or drawn 1-1. It's not pretty to watch, but we know after our time under Davies, that it works and it is doing for the Tigers.

Yesterday, they played as any away team should. They definitely didn't come for the win as they shut up shop with two solid banks of four and a bit of muscle up top. It's not pretty and it's frustrating to watch, but they've come away with 3 points, albeit in a very 'smash and grab' fashion, but they won't care and why should they? Their strategy is working.

The post match interviews emphasised this point even more. Cotterill, Camp and Lynch all came out and said we deserved more and they were an extremely tough team to play against. But sometimes it's not your day and yesterday was precisely that.

However, we did have opportunities and we cannot sit feeling sorry for ourselves when part of the problem arose because of our poor play.

In the game, I just felt there was this air of arrogance amongst the players. They always seemed to look for the dream ball rather than the simple one. It's good that confidence is back but players were trying passes that were never going to come off.

Even when Hull scored, there was this feeling of 'It'll be alright and it'll come good. It has done the past two games so it will again.''

Well no. It didn't. To win football matches, you have to earn it and not one player on the pitch yesterday appeared to want to earn it.

In open play, as I've said, Hull frustrated us massively and credit must go to Nigel Pearson for the way he set them up. But when we have dead ball situations, the delivery has to be better. McGugan, Majewski and Reid all had a go. All of them failed.

But that's work that needs to be done on the training ground and I have no doubt that Cotterill will address it and we will be a better team because of it.

At this point, I would do the player's ratings but there's hardly much point as it would be the same message from the majority of them. No-one did anything massively wrong, but no-one did anything massively right either. Nothing spectacular, except Radi's stunning shot out of nothing, and it was just a drab, average performance from everyone.

A quick mention should go to Greg Cunningham though who I thought made a solid debut. To say he hasn't played in a long, long time, he slotted straight in and made some crucial challenges while he also offered an option down the left side. Unfortunately, he's probably at fault for the goal, switching off and allowing Mclean to nip in behind him but that's a lack of a match practice and he'll soon iron those mistakes out.

Also, good news about the possibility of Cohen coming back before the end of the season. It comes of no surprise that he's ahead of his rehabilitation schedule as his constant energy and desire will push him to come back in possibly even better condition than he was in before. I wish him lots of luck and cannot wait to have his engine back in the middle of the park.

All in all, it didn't go to plan. I just hope that Cotterill can keep the spirits up and that the players don't think the past couple of victories were a fluke. I somehow don't think they will though. Plus, they've got the perfect chance to rectify the situation by playing again on Tuesday night against a Reading side, who haven't appeared to decide what end of the table they're going to be involved in this season.

A win on Tuesday though, would see us move within a point of the Royals and drag them down to the lower end. Saying that, I don't think either ourselves or Reading will be involved in any kind of relegation battle. I actually don't think either will be involved in a promotion push.

But that's not a bad thing. For as long as I can remember, we've been involved in some drama. I'd happily take a mid table position and have a summer building under Cotterill for next season.

Although I should probably remember we're only in October and there's a long way to go, I should probably enjoy this season now rather than wishing it away!

Three points on Tuesday will be the perfect medicine for us to forget yesterday's dour defeat.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

NFFC vs Middlesbrough 18.10.11

Due to the international break, it's certainly been a while since I've been able to update the blog. After last night's performance, I'd say it was worth the wait.

First and foremost, I'd like to welcome Steve Cotterill to Nottingham Forest. When it became apparent that it was either him, Kevin McDonald or Mark Robins that would get the Forest job, there was only one option. What's even more pleasing to see is that the Forest board recognised his potential and offered the correct amount of compensation; we all know how lack of money has let us down in the past. 

Yet unbelievably, some Forest fans still aren't happy. We have employed a manager who has a creditable record at this level with Burnley and Portsmouth. At both these clubs, Cotterill had to work on a limited budget which is what he now has to do at Forest, whether we want to admit it or not.

He also had brilliant success in a short period at Notts County so not only does he know the local area, he knows what it takes to win games at any level of English football.

I am constantly amazed at these 'fans' who believe the likes of Martin O' Neill was going to come in and take us to Europe. It doesn't work like that.
I'll admit my earlier mistake where in a previous blog, I said I'd like Alan Curbishley to take over. A friend of mine soon told me that it was very rare for the ex Charlton man to take a job outside of London. Therefore, my hopes of that person taking over were soon let down.

Now I'm sure all clubs have a selection of these fans but some of the mindless rubbish they come out with, really does baffle me. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't agree with last night's performance.

Although if you weren't pleased with last night's performance, then I question whether you should ever come again. Because, at this particular moment and the prediciment we're in, it doesn't get much better than that.

It would have been extremely hard for the new gaffer to come in and stamp his authority on the team in the space of 24 hours. But he appears to have done so. Picking a 4-4-2 side was probably expected. However the inclusion of Gunter as a right winger and Tudgay up front was certainly not what the majority of us had in mind.

Now it could be down to the fact that they all wanted to impress the new manager or it could be down to the fact that Cotterill had done his homework and knew what he was coming to. Let's be honest, the team selection worked.

Campy had one save to make while the four in front of him looked solid and compact for the majority of the night. The midfield may have lost the odd battle but certainly won the war and we've put the ball in the net down the other end. No complaints from me.

What's even more important is to recognise the opposition. Middlesbrough were 3rd and unbeaten all season. They must have been rubbing their hands together at the prospect of coming to the City Ground. They soon got a shock.

As for the goals, they were simply sublime in their own individual way.

The first was such lovely, one touch football that deserved to be a goal. It was the goal of a team with confidence and spirit. It was fantastic to see.

The second was the individual class of Lewis McGugan. After Miller and Majewski had shots blocked, the Long Eaton lad stepped up and showed them how it's done, unleashing a stunning low drive which nestled nicely in the bottom corner.

There were no jitters, no anxiety moments as the game drew to a close as we stayed professional and saw the game out. A brilliant performance.

Camp- Called into action once and made a great save as he diverted the ball around for a corner. Controlled his box well and distribution was better. 8/10
Chambers- Get's his fair amount of stick but can't deny he gives 100% all of the time. Did well at right back. Linked up with Gunter nicely. 8/10
Morgan- Was always going to be in for a tough night with Emnes but handled him brilliantly. Strong, dominent with the odd mazy run forward. The 'Major Oak' is back. 9/10
Lynch- Another solid performance from Lynchy who seems to be enjoying his run in the side. Seems to lack a bit of concentration from time to time but strong in the air and on the floor. 9/10
Hill- Best performance yet from the loanee. Continuously putting his body on the line and reading the play excellently. Can't remember a 'boro attack from the left flank. Could easily have been MOTM. 10/10
Gunter- Not a right winger but performed superbly. Seemed instinticively drawn to play at right back first half but that's understandable. Great cross for the goal and began to be a threat as the match wore on. 8/10
Moussi- Another strong contender for MOTM. Absoulute machine in the middle of the park, consistently cutting up attacks and putting on pressure that resulted in a mistake from the opposition. I hope he stays fit. 9/10
McGugan- My MOTM, just. The midfielder is so exciting to watch and caused havoc all night running at the 'boro defence. Great vision, great movement, great delivery and most importantly, great goal. 10/10
Majewski- Another brilliant performance from the Pole. I've said before how McClaren's management staff appeared to underestimate him. I hope Cotterill doesn't. Not a left winger, but caused a threat and was disciplined to his wing all night. Just got to watch his tackles. 9/10
Tudgay- I've said before that I rate this guy and tonight he proved me right. Caused problems in the air while showing some nice touches on the floor. Partnership with Miller needs work though but that'll come. Nice striker's instinct for the goal as well. 9/10
Miller- Another solid performance from the big man. Always appears lazy but give him the ball and he can show a quick turn of pace with a finish at the end of it. Still lacking a bit of fitness I think but the 'boro defence couldn't handle him. 9/10
Findley- Struggled to get involved but we all know what 'USA' can do. Good turn of pace and once he's fit from his injury, he'll be involved one way or another. 8/10
Derbyshire- Similarly to Findley, struggled to get involved but ran his socks off for ten minutes and seemed desperate to impress Cotterill. Showed some nice toughes as well. 8/10
Greening- Well, well, well. Jonathan Greening put in a decent performance. I even shouted out some support to him at one point. He came on, won the ball, did the simple stuff well. No issues. Things really are looking up if Greening is playing well. 7/10

What a difference a win makes. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. It's a fantastic start but there's a long way to go and we're still sitting 20th. But let's enjoy this positivity, it's been a while since we've had some.

Blackpool away on saturday will be very tough, but I have more faith in this Steve than the last Steve to deliver a result.

Bring it on.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

NFFC vs Birmingham 02.10.11

Admittedly, I like to update my blog every monday following the home game. Yet so much unfolded on Sunday evening and over the past couple of days that I've struggled to even come to terms with the changes happening at the club I support.

Seeing as it was quite a minor event in cohesion with everything else that occured, I'll get my match views out the way first.

After Tuesday's night disgrace, I wasn't sure what to expect. The performance at Watford wasn't good, but we grinded out a win and that's vital. When you can start winning games, despite the performance, that's when confidence rises and the team can begin to make strides.

Yet it was all pulled apart on Tuesday night. Let's not brush over it as a defeat. It's an embarrassment. We aren't losing by the odd goal. We're conceding lots of goals. FIVE against a Burnley side that haven't exactly been in a free scoring mode.

But in typical Forest fashion, you never know what to expect and unbelievably, the 20,000 fans saw the Reds best display of the season. Well, for 70 minutes at least.

We moved the ball well, the balance was right, the team was working. The City Ground knew it as well as the place was raucous, every attack was greeted with cheers. It was like we had finally turned a corner.

Miller's goal was simple but it was a finish we had been missing over past season. That striker's knack of being in the right place at the right time. Great ball from McGugan, nice flick from Derbyshire and a solid header from Miller. I'm not one for player power, but we need to look after this guy. He's got the potential to be a 20 goal a season striker.

As we hit the 70 minute mark and in complete control, McClaren decides to take off the influential Majewski for defensive Greening. I can't understand what this obsession is with the midfielder. He's good, granted. He wouldn't of had the success he's had otherwise. But no-one should walk into a team on their name alone. Majewski was causing all sorts of problems and to take him off to go defensive was a shombolic decision. The only thing I can imagine is there is a clause in Greening's contract stating that he gets a certain amount of game time. Also, as a team is under pressure, they need someone to relieve it. Radi can do that, Greening just hoofs it away and Birmingham can come again with another attack. It's not rocket science.

So Birmingham equalised with a screamer. When the luck is with Forest, those kind of shots from the opposition go into row Z. This one didn't, it flew in off the post.
Speaking of luck, 4 minutes later, Wood mistimes a shot and it bobbles in. Don't get me wrong, Chambers should be busting a gut to block the shot, but it is unfortunate that it just nestled nicely in the corner when he hadn't even connected with it.
Following that goal, Hill was taken off. Granted, he was taught a lesson in pace but the decision to substitute him was ridiculous. He has a wealth of experience and a fair amount of leadership within him and to take him off just undermined him as a player. Confidence gone. The message basically saying 'If you make one mistake, you're off.' Radi did when he didn't square it to Miller and Hill did in the lead up to the second goal. So now the remaining men are far too nervous to be on the ball in case of making a mistake.

I hate to admit I'm wrong, but the ex-England manager hasn't got a clue. Certainly not in English football.

Birmingham's 3rd was a goal that I'd been embarrassed to concede on a Sunday morning at amateur level and the boos boomed deservedly around the ground.

I couldn't believe that I'd walked away from that with defeat. It all points to the Greening substitution which never should have been made.

Camp- Before the collapse, looked like the keeper of last season. Controlled his area and held the ball well. Couldn't be at fault for the 3 goals. 7/10
Chambers-We all know that he is a much better CB. But in fairness, he defended well and got forward often too. Mistakes came when he was moved back across to CB. 6/10
Morgan- Always throws his body on the line and cannot fault his dedication to the cause. Just hasn't found the form yet this season. But was beginning to develop a good partnership with Lynch. 7/10
Lynch- Probably my MOTM again. Strong at the back, worked hard, won headers. At centre back, he is a comfortable and capable Championship defender. Only one to come and speak to the press afterwards as well. 8/10
Hill- One mistake cost him. But I reckon he's getting a tough time for no reason. Reads the play well, cut out a couple of dangerous attacks and happy to put his body on the line. 7/10
McGugan- On top of his game when things are going right. Disappears when they're not. Good delivery and nice skills, improve his attitude and he'll be one of the best midfielders in this division. 7/10
Majewski- Can feel so hard done by for being taken off. Ran the midfield, taking the ball forward and always trying to create. The mangerial staff need to appreciate Radi a bit more. He's a vital player for us. 8/10
Moussi- The Moose worked his socks off for us again. Strong in the middle and defended his back four well. The only player to run back and try and stop B'ham's 3rd. Can't fault his effort. 7/10
Tudgay- Nice to see Tudgay getting a go, although he did struggle to make an impact. I'm not quite sure he fully understood the system he was involved in which didn't help matters. 6/10
Miller- As I said above, this guy has the potential to be a superb signing.Strong, confident, direct and knows where the goal is. Wrap him up in cotton wool. 8/10
Derbyshire- Similarly to Tudgay, worked hard all game but didn't seem sure if he was playing left wing or as a centre forward. His movement is superb though and will never shy away from recieving the ball. 7/10
Greening- It's not a vendetta against the bloke. But it hasn't worked out. He isn't as good as he, or the managerial staff seem to think he is. Can quite happily follow McClaren out the door as far as I'm concerned. 2/10
Gunter- I'm Gunts' biggest fan. His energy, technique and ability are undeniable at this level. But there was no need for him to come on. Disrupted the whole defence. 5/10
Findley- Tough one for USA. I believe he should be starting but not sure where to fit him in. Although the Miller/Findley partnership was developing quite nicely not so long ago. Came on and ran but saw little of the ball. 6/10

So, the next point on the agenda would be the embarrassing protests. Before the game, there weren't many people, around 50 I'd say. More people were watching. Oh, weren't they in for a treat. Two songs, the use of fireworks when it's daylight and a complete lack of knowledge about the club was basically what it consisted of.

I fully respect that I'm only 19 years old and this club has seen better days. But how hard is it to look at the bigger picture?! When Nigel Doughty came into this club, we were days away from administration. He saved us, literally. Over the next 10 years or so, he pumped between £60m and £100m of his OWN money into the club. If any of the 'fans' protesting are wishing to put that money in then be my guest. I somehow doubt that will happen though.

Following the bad times of Platt, Kinnear and Megson, Doughty put his hand up and acknowledged the mistake. Because of the former of that sentence, relegation was an inevitability. We had to go down, remove the dead wood and start again. It wasn't pleasant, but it had to be done. It also included the clever appointment of Colin Calderwood. He was an up and coming manager who took us back to where we needed to be. 99% of us are grateful for his contribution.
When he reached the end of the line, Doughty showed his knowledge once more by employing Davies. Yes it was a fractious relationship, but twice we nearly reached the promised land. Again, it looked as though he had taken us far enough.
Doughty made the call again by employing an ex England manager with a wealth of experience and contacts. Nobody can blame him for thinking it was a brilliant appointment.
It didn't work out, sometimes that happens. But for Doughty to fall on his own sword and step down over it was a highly credible thing to do and to then come on Radio Nottingham and talk about it was something that the uneducated idiots didn't deserve.
Along with the progress on the pitch, there was also progress off it. Academy facilities along with infrasture work around the ground meant we were bordering on Premier League facilities. There is a reason our youth levels are producing such brilliant talent.
Finally, we all know the money was tight. But that isn't Doughty being stubborn. He is trying to make sure Nottingham Forest is still a club in ten years time. A thing called the financial fair play rules are coming in next season and I suggest that if you stayed behind to 'protest', then have a read up on it because it is going to heavily impact on the club you supposedly support.

Yet this all falls on deaf ears for those who have no concept. Look at the footage of those protesting. The majority of them, aren't over 20 years old. Half of these people are kids, thinking it's big and clever what they're doing. Well it isn't. Congratulations, your little display may have just made thing ten times worse.

Especially with the news this morning that Peter Risdale has offered to become chairman and if you think Doughty was bad, wait until you meet a man that nearly ended Leeds United. Either that, or a USA/Chinese consortium are interested.

Brilliant, can't wait to see that happen from two nations who simply LOVE football. I listened to the phone in on the way home and the general consensus was you wanted someone who was Nottingham bred and passionate about Forest.

Do you not realise your antics have just removed someone who fits that criteria in every single way?

Furthermore, I hear there's another protest to get Arthur out? Seriously, where is the logic?
That man is the only person left who has any idea of how Nottingham Forest is run. To remove him, would be to completely wipe out the work that has gone in over the past 15 years and to start all over again. Relegation would be imminent. Nottingham Forest would be a laughing stock. How is it appealing to a manager or chairman to come in and start a football club from scratch? It just isn't plausible.

As for the manager, I'm pleased he's gone. I was pro McClaren, desperate for it to work out and at times, on the pitch, we saw glimpses.

But it wasn't happening and he had to go. Much to the pleasure of the national newspapers.

Apparently he was going to resign whatever the Birmingham result was which shows how much passion he had for the job. Rather he go now rather than when we're in a serious relegation battle.

In fairness to him though, to leave without compensation and to not seek any is hugely commendable and as a true fan, we appreciate the work he attempted to do.

Who should replace him? Well there's a lot of names being banded about.

Lets get some 'No's' out the way first.

Martin O' Neill- Would be fantastic, but he's holding out for a PL job, wouldn't be interested.
Roy Keane - No way. Too fiery with no real record. Links to the club mean nothing. Can you imagine him trying to work with McGugan and Miller? Massive no.
Alan Shearer- Couldn't succeed at the club he supposedly loved so why succeed here? No way. 
Martin Allen- Doing a superb job across the Trent and would be stupid to throw that away. Not sure his bullish behaviour would sit too well with the players either.
Nigel Clough- Yes what a perfect story it would be for Nigel to follow in his dad's footsteps. Except it doesn't happen like that and it won't happen. Clough Jnr has made his bed at Derby, he was rude about Forest and certain individuals and his lack of tactics means he can definitely stay at the far end of the A52.
Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink- No experience, no idea of defending tactics, massive no written all over it.

Now Billy Davies has obviously been mentioned. As much as I love King Billy, he wouldn't be the way to go. He took us as far as he could and has burnt too many bridges to come and do it all again. I wouldn't mind him as an interim until the end of the season to keep us up but for the progression of this football club, it has to be a no. 

There's a few names that seem to be gathering pace:

Sean O' Driscoll- This wouldn't be my first choice. Don't really see the attraction. Did well on a limited squad with Doncaster I suppose, but to come to the City Ground. Can't see it working.

Darren Ferguson- Did well with a limited Peterborough side and they saw they'd made a mistake when they got him back. Good links with Man U as well. But would be a ticking bomb I feel. No thanks.

Karl Robinson- This is one name I'd be really excited by. Up and coming manager who has spent time learning the trade before making the step up and succeeding brilliantly with MK Dons. Knows the lower leagues well.

Paul Tisdale - Similarly to Robinson, another manager who deserves a chance. Worked wonders with Exeter and it appears to have gone relatively unnoticed. Swansea were rumoured to be interested when Martinez left and that shows his potential. Would be an excellent choice.

I feel we need someone who has a knowledge of this division, knows how to win games, has a proven record and an air of authority.

If reference to that criteria, I feel we look no further than Alan Curbishley.

He's been out of football for a while, but his knowledge, contacts and CV speaks for himself. It would be a challenge but I reckon its something he would be up for. His reputation comes before him as well meaning the likes of Miller and McGugan who we know can be disruptive, will respect him and play out of their skin for him. Curbishley is my first choice.

So what now for the future? Well, firstly, thank goodness it's an international break. It gives Forest a chance to address the mess we now find ourselves in. Looking ahead, it can go two ways:
1) nothing gets sorted, more protests for Arthur out, the club falls apart and we get relegated as a laughing stock.
2) We employ the right manager and we move forward. A couple of loan signings and we finish the season in mid table. Allowing the new manager to work with his squad over the summer of 2012 and we then have a real go at the championship.

We need to be patient and stay out the public eye for a bit. I'm not sure if that'll happen though.

Safe to say, the thought of Coventry away doesn't exactly fill me with excitment.

Just on a side note, I'd like to commend the coverage Radio Nottingham offered. They were quick to the scene and produced a superb program which covered all the issues as well as giving fans a chance to voice their opinions.

As a passionate trainee sports journalist, it was very intruiging to hear the show put together and a credit to the team over how professional it sounded.

Monday 26 September 2011

NFFC vs Watford 24.09.11

It's been a while since I've had the opportunity to write about victory on here! I hope there's more to come.

Admittedly, I didn't go to the game but did see it on the television. What a shame I had to watch the majority of it on mute due to the appalling punditry by Matt Holland and Leroy Rosenior. Could have been worse I suppose, had they employed Steve Claridge for the game. The BBC must be really struggling for cash or are simply inept by genuinely believing these 'pundits' know what they're on about. If they didn't have a sheet with all the information on and a practice run before they go on air, they'd be up shit creek without a paddle. But that's just a minor rant.

As for the game, I was ecstatic to see Lynch keep his place, albeit as a left wing back, following his performance in midweek. It would have been very easy to drop Lynch, bring Chambo back in and go back to a team that seemed 'correct'.

McClaren addressed the back four had been shipping goals and made it stronger by putting a 5th man in there. Honestly, I don't agree with the formation. We have far too many talented midfielders to only play three and I felt we were overran in the middle of the park at times, but as the gaffer keeps saying; 'you won't win games if you don't keep a clean sheet'. He's absolutely correct.

Again, I don't feel the performance was brilliant and we rode our luck. But that's the first time this season that 'luck' has gone in our favour. Times are changing? Still lots of hard work to be done. But maybe we've turned a corner.

Simple things seemed to make a difference. Campy controlled his box and performed a superb save to deny Garner and then to deny Forsyth when it seemed easier to score. Greening worked harder to shut down attacks. These little battles on the pitch all add to the bigger picture and can point to the fact that we collected three points.

Camp- As mentioned above, beginning to show glimpses of his form last season. Much improved, much more vocal. Needs to continue. 7/10
Gunter- Probably the worst game I've seen from Gunts for a while. Forsyth ran the show against him and the Welshman never got close. Caught ball watching a few times as well. Worked hard up and down the wing though. 5/10
Morgan- Strong, dominant, powerful. A superb performance from the major oak. Certainly fighting for his place and it's good to see. 7/10
Chambers- Again, it was improved. Won challenges and the odd aerial battle but still a bit off the pace at times. 6/10
Hill- For a debut, it was solid. Couple of nervous touches in the opening few moments but settled and got stuck in well. Bit of match fitness and practice and he could prove vital. 7/10
Lynch- Most would think it unthinkable but for the second time running, he's my man of the match. Caused many problems down the left flank, strong in the challenge and showed composure on the ball. Mr Reliable. 8/10
Greening- Had his fair amount of stick but yesterday was better. Stuck to his task and stopped Watford progressing. Struggled to keep up with the pace of play but never stopped trying. 7/10
Moussi- Similarly to Lynch, the effort from the French midfielder cannot be questioned. Such an intimidating presence in the middle, he worked tremendously hard to win the ball and then to move the ball forward to put Forest on the attack. 8/10
McGugan- Like Tuesday, he seemed up for it initially but quickly lost interest and forgot he was on the pitch as the first half drew to a close. Always has the ability to do something out of nothing though and that's key in a tight game. More effort needed. 6/10
Findley- As always, USA ran his socks off. Chasing down channels and trying to take defenders on. Some nice one touch passes as well. 7/10
Miller- I actually found the striker quite lazy on saturday. Didn't feel that he offered much presence up front and probably would have taken him off seconds before his goal. Shows how much I know! Did take his goal well. 7/10
Derbyshire- Can probably feel hard done that he's been left out of late. Came on and worked hard. Chased well and looked comfortable on the ball. Excited by the future if he can get a few goals under his belt. 7/10
Tudgay- Nice to see 'tuds' back in the set up. Always believe he can score goals at this level. Didn't have long enough to make an impact but unleashed a nice low shot which on another day, would skid away and hit the back of the net. 7/10
Reid- Similarly to Tudgay, didn't have long to make an impact but came on and added experience. Worked hard and hassled the opposition. Did what was asked of him. 7/10

So it wasn't great, it wasn't pretty, but it was a win. A vital three points that gives us a bit of breathing space and the beginning of foundations has potentially been set. Confidence will have increased and we can take in into Sunday's game against a Birmingham side who aren't exactly setting the division alight at the moment.

I just pray the protesters stay away.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

NFFC vs Newcastle 20.09.11

What a difference a bit of effort makes.

After losing embarrassingly to Derby at the weekend, it was safe to say the mood around the City Ground was not a particularly buoyant one. 

Yet come 10pm last night, there was a new buzz around the place.

From the outside view, most would ask why? Forest have lost. again. They've conceded 4 goals at home. again. 

But the spirit of the performance was one that the Forest faithful have been craving all season.

McClaren made five changes which included dropping captain Chambers as his wife was giving birth. It may have been a blessing in disguise. 

We all know Lynch has had his fair amount of stick since arriving, but he has always been asked to play in bit parts and in a position that isn't his favourite. Last night, the ex Brighton defender played centre back and he was superb. 

There was still the odd mistake creeping in, mainly from an aerial route, Newcastle's first goal saw Lovenkrands ghost in between the two centre backs due to a lack of communication and Coloccini winning the game at the death as he waited back post, unmarked. 

But there was a general feeling that if we tightened up just a tad, that defence would be tough to beat at championship level. 

Up front, Marcus Tudgay was given a run out and he ran his socks off for 120 minutes. Although it was never confirmed, rumours spread that Tuds, McGoldrick and Garner were all transfer listed. If true, it appears the ex Sheffield Wednesday man was the only one who couldn't find a club. Similarly to Chambers, that could be the best result. His continuous effort, aerial ability and a striker's instinct to score goals at this level could prove pivitol to us this season. 

The key thing last night was the team unity. There was no desire to lie down and be walked over, three times we came back against Premiership opposition. Goal scoring does not appear to be a problem this season. We could of and probably should have won in right at the end of normal time. Then Simpson popped up with the flukiest of goals and it proves that luck isn't going our way at the moment. But that'll change. We just need to keep plugging away.

I imagine some critics will say 'well Newcastle didn't have a full strength side out.' Granted, they made a fair few changes from the weekend. But there was still plenty of experience out there and I'm very confident that most will appear in Pardew's PL campaign at some point this season, most notably Danny Guthrie who ran midfield all night. Disappointed that he was rumoured to be on his way to the Reds not long ago, he looks like he would have been a superb acquistion.

Camp- In parts, looked like the old Campy. Shaky first half but as the match drove on, he began to dominate his box and move the ball out quickly. Hopefully it's the start of things to come. 7/10
Moloney- Tough night for the young Irish lad as Marveoux was magnificent but worked hard and defended well, caught out a couple of times. 7/10
Morgan- May be fearing for his place and appeared to know it. Strong, dominant, much better performance. Still a bit nervous at times but confidence is low so it's understandable. 7/10
Lynch- My man of the match. He was fantastic. Strong on the floor, strong in the air. Covering all areas of the back four. Would be very hard to drop him. 9/10
Gunter- Again, isn't a left back. But still worked incredibly hard. He defended well but also got forward to offer an option down the left side. 7/10
Findley- 'USA' is becoming a bit of a cult hero at the CG. Didn't offer much first half as a winger but when moved forward as a striker, looked very dangerous. Caused havoc every time he went forward and is bordering on first name on the team sheet. Nice goal as well. 8/10
Greening- Wasn't an inspiring performance once again but he seemed to be communicating more and attempting to dominate in midfield a bit more. Still needs to work harder though. 6/10
Moussi- If Findley needs a role model for how to become an instant hero in Nottingham, just look towards the 'Mousse'. Big, strong, powerful and a constant desire to never give up. Tends to give the ball away but the shocked silence around the ground when he was substituted said it all. 8/10
McGugan- Was one of his best performances for 80 minutes. Always wanting to get on the ball and be direct. Fantastic delivery from dead ball situations as well. Then, something changed. Not sure whether he got a niggle or just fatigued, but his head completely dropped and he just looked disinterested. 7/10
Tudgay- Excellent performance from Marcus. Worked hard and constantly roving around the back line, looking for that chance. Deserved his goal which shouldn't be forgotten that he had to gamble in the first place to be there. Certainly thrown himself into the mix. 8/10
Derbyshire- Another one who ran all night. First couple of games, thought he looked a bit of a pushover but as match sharpness has improved, he could become one of the best strikers in the division. Fantastic movement and always a step ahead. Great, clinical finish for his goal as well. 8/10
Majewski- Worked hard when he came on. Battled and moved the ball around well. Just not sure where we can fit him in at the moment. Certainly deserves to be involved though. 7/10
Miller- Can go from the sublime to the ridiculous. Always must have the ball on his left foot, otherwise it can become comical. However, when it is on his left, he can cause havoc. Saw it last night as he set up Tudgay through pure strength and persistance. Another one that is tough to leave out. 7/10
Reid- Had a twenty minute run out and worked hard. He likes to come and get the ball, which is good, but consistently leaves us with no wide option. Played the playmaker role well though and worked hard, closing down and pressuring. 7/10

In the post match interview, McClaren said he was looking for balance and went on to suggest that he may have found it in the 4-3-3 formation. As much as I love the attacking intent, we have far too many midfielders to try and suggest we are only going to play 3 each week. But that's McClaren's headache to sort out. How nice is it to have competition for places?!

On a sidenote, it was announced Chris Cohen would likely to be out for the season with the injury he sustained against Derby. It's a huge shame. His engine and willingness for the cause will be greatly missed. However, the blow was softened by the imminent arrival of Clint Hill.
I have to be honest, I don't know him very well. I do know that he played in QPR's first PL game and had he not been sent off and Warnock hadn't had a sudden cash injection, he would probably still be involved in their campaign. He comes with experience and knowledge of what it takes to win at this level and, wait for it...HE CAN PLAY LEFT BACK.
A good signing most definitely.

Finally, I heard that a protest against the board was being planned before the Birmingham game. If by any chance, anyone thinking of taking part will be reading this, please take on board the following advice....DON'T DO IT.

A protest shows unrest which is understandable. But McClaren's job is hard enough as it is without a handful of 'supporters' kicking off because we're not sitting top of the league. Last night was a huge performance and we need to kick on in the league now. I fully believe we will.
But protest oozing negativity could undo all last night's hard work.

Saturday 17 September 2011

NFFC vs Derby County 17.09.11

'Fingers crossed I'm this optimistic come 3pm Saturday.'

That's how I ended my previous blog. It's safe to say that I am nowhere near that particular emotion following the debacle that took place this afternoon.

As a fan of any team, it is hard to take a defeat.
It is even harder to lose to your local rivals.
But to lose to your rivals who had ten men for 88 minutes? That is simply unforgivable.

So the game that every Forest fan looks forward to has come and gone and it's the red side of the A52 that feels dour this evening.
The worse bit about it is, we didn't even try. Or at least we didn't seem to.
We were beaten by a team who wanted it more, had more team spirit and a fight to win. As much as it's painful, you have to give credit to Derby.
There's a lot of talk about how it's harder to play against ten men, which can be true in many cases. However in this one, it is not.
Eleven players will tire over 90 minutes, let alone ten. So, why have we been taught a fitness level in all areas of the pitch?
Probably because the opposition weren't tired at all. We didn't do anything to make them fatigued. The simple fact is, with a man is sent off, the remaining nine outfield players must work harder than they would in normal circumstances. So, let's exploit that and play football on the floor to get them to run about.
OR in Forest's case, let's lump the ball forward to Miller, who granted, is good in the air and make Derby's afternoon, very, very easy.
There's a bit of controversry over Derby's equaliser. It's bang out of order of them and against anyone else, they would have put the ball out.
But it doesn't excuse us. The defence should have stayed alert and played to the whistle. Another sloppy goal to concede.
The most worrying part is, I can't see a solution. I'm desperate for McClaren to succeed here and I've seem glimpses of his work beginning to pay off, but I'm not even sure transfers and loan signings could fix this mess.
Where has the team unity gone? No desire to win. No desire to fight. A lack of pride to be wearing the shirt which is inexcusable to every fan who paid £33 to go and watch them today.
The problem is, McClaren needs to send a message out, to prove he isn't messing about. But who can he drop? There's no-one there to fill in. It's the same old, vicious circle.

The talk of transfers brings me nicely on to the board. There was quite a clear protest at the end of the game as the fans voiced their opinions.
It appears, that for the first time in a long time, the fans are preferring to back the manager over the board.
I've heard rumours on the grapevine that Doughty is looking to sell.
If true, I hope he keeps the club's best interests at heart and sells to an owner with a complete financial background.
It's all very well selling to a foreign billionaire, but once the City Ground has been renamed after some business that nobody has ever heard of and we've brought big named players in whose wages we can't afford combined with the team now being full of 11 individuals rather than united and it's these players who must get promoted or we face serious financial problems, then I think people will realise that although it's immensely frustrating, it's still better to have a club to be angry with rather than no club at all.

One positive is the result of Reading this afternoon. One win saw them jump nine places. Due to the season still being in it's early stages, the table is still quite tight and a win can change things. But that isn't going to last when October approaches.

As for the future, I'm not really sure. McClaren has got his work cut out. Big time. I just never thought we'd be in a relegation battle this season. For the first time since beginning this blog, I now am contemplating that possibility.

Maybe a nice midweek cup tie can take our minds off things? Ahh, we can dream.

Monday 12 September 2011

NFFC vs Southampton

Another Monday morning. Another defeat to reflect on.

Despite the table not looking particulary pleasant at this moment in time, I still believe it doesn't reflect the bigger picture.

When was the last time Forest had a good start to the season? It's going back a few years.

I wasn't at the game so I'm only able to go on highlights and close people's views but unfortunately it sounds like the same old story, brilliant going forward but awful at the back. How many times have we said that this season and we're only in September?

First and foremost, let's not forget that we have gone to a club, who are in fine form and backed by a tremendous fan base and very nearly, and probably should have, taken points off them.

But, our back five were caught out again. Two of them being crosses swung into the box. I'm dumbfounded over where Chambers and Morgan's aerial dominance has gone. I have suggested the captaincy is adding extra pressure for Chambers, but as a mate of mine rightly pointed out, it shouldn't make a difference. If you're a born leader, you'll do the job of a captain whether you're wearing the armband or not. Maybe Chambers wasn't the right decision after all.

Camp is a tough one. His head clearly isn't in the right place. He dropped a clanger in midweek for his country and just isn't dominating his box like he used to.

Suprise suprise, I think it comes down to the same old problem; lack of squad depth. Both with Chambers and Camp, there is no-one challenging or pressurising them. Realistically, we know Camp is a much better all round keeper than Smith and only Lynch could fill in at centre back but isn't as good as Morgan or the skipper. The decision to drop either of the current players would be a massive risk and at this particular moment, I can't see McClaren doing it. He'll just hope that it comes good in the end.

Which, to be fair, I don't think will be very long. I've said in past entries, that the midfield and strikers are beginning to really gel and we showed it again on Saturday as we scored two excellent goals. Nice to see Derbyshire open his account. He showed a real striker's instinct to gamble on Miller's low cross and a nice sign of intelligence as he layed on Majewski instead of shooting himself, which would have been tempting.

The injury to Miller is a real shame, especially as his Forest career was gathering pace. Already a fan favourite, it's a big blow with Derby in town soon.

I know I'm repeating myself, but as soon as the defence has a solid display and the team are able to achieve a solid win, which they deserve, we will start rapidly climbing up the table and come christmas, I'm quite sure we'll be hovering around the top 8.

We need players without a doubt, and I was annoyed to see we'd missed out on Collins. I can only think it's a money issue and with the sale of Connor Wickham, we were unable to match what Ipswich were offering.

But we just need one result. One game where the City Ground is lifted once more.

What better occassion that this Saturday when our rivals roll into town?

Fingers crossed I'm this optimistic come 3pm Saturday.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

NFFC and the International Break

Following the defeat to West Ham, I thought the international break had come at a relatively good time. McClaren could spent the upcoming couple of weeks, working really hard with the lads making sure a repeat of the Bank Holiday debacle didn't happen again. Combine this with a couple of new faces to arrive before the transfer window deadline and there was still that feeling of positivity around the place.

Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure neither of these things happened.

I was shocked to wake up to the news on Thursday morning that Steve McClaren had flown to Europe to be with his family and was 'considering his future'. I appreciate the defeat must have been hard to take and everyone associated with the club were disappointed but it takes longer than seven games to stamp your authority on the team.

Then more hearsay began to escape and the bigger picture became apparent.

It appeared McClaren was dreadfully unhappy at the lack of signings made in the transfer window. Yet again, a deadline day had passed with no new arrivals. Max Gradel flew to France while Wade Elliott chose rivals Birmingham City.

The only fans who I'll allow to be more frustrated than us fellow reds in a transfer window would be those who follow Everton. What a horrible time they've had this summer.

But following McClaren's post match interview in which he stressed, almost begged, that new signings must be made, we actually lost a player as Joe Garner moved to Watford. Disappointed to see him go, I always liked his tenacity and he never had a decent run in the team. I have no doubts he'll score a fair few for the Hornets this season.

Now I appreciate football is a business and in the economic state this country is in, money is tight. This, combined with the financial fair play rules that are coming in next season has resulted in chairman being a little less keen to spend.

I also will never say a bad word about Nigel Doughty. He has pumped millions of pounds of his own money to keep this club going, especially in the awful Platt era and always has the club's best interests at heart.

But to go out and appoint one of the best coaches in the game today and let's be honest, McClaren is going to be on a decent wage, to then have the gaffer 'thinking' about his future is hugely worrying.

We all know the saga's that used to occur under Davies, but now the same messages are occuring from McClaren. Something has to give.

Of course, none of us know what goes on behind closed doors. The board may have worked frantically hard on deadline day as we aimed to secure someone but it simply wasn't enough. The message is simple, we must back McClaren.

It appears the board have realised this and if press talk is to be believed, funds have been made available to sign three players in the loan window. Ryan Bertrand is expected to arrive, although Newcastle are rumoured to be interested. If true, the left back will obviously stay in the PL. Who can blame him? Andros Townsend is another rumour that's gathering pace. If true, it would be a superb signing. I've seen the odd appearance from the winger, most recently against Hearts and he looked superb. Direct, confident, skillful, a player with a real future at the highest level but where does that leave Andy Reid? Simon Cox has also been mentioned but a press release this morning suggested he's going to fight for his place at the Hawthorns. Not massively fussed, I believe Findley and Miller have the potential to be our top two this season, with Derbyshire and Tudgay waiting in the wings. Blackstock is also making great progress from injury so there's five strikers. I haven't forgotten McGoldrick, I just don't class him as a striker. Finally, we are reportedly interested in Standard Liege midfielder Reginal Goreux.

While I appreciate the board and McClaren are trying to send out a message that new signings will be made and competition for places will be key, am I the only one who is extremely sceptical over the fact no centre back has been rumoured?
Against West Ham, Leicester, Notts County and Wycombe, our attacking play wasn't the issue. We conceded sloppy goals.
Yet, we are trying to sign a left back who will face no competition as he slots straight in and despite their recent mistakes, Chambers and Morgan will know their place is secure as well?! It makes no sense.
It wasn't long ago that Anthony Gardner was training with us after turning down an offer from Crystal Palace. Rumour has it that we were happy to sign him following a pre season appearance against Lincoln. So why does he then sign a contract with Palace?
This is the frustration. Clearly, wage demands have gone up and while I don't expect Forest to become a welcome mat, we may need to address the times and realise more money needs to be offered to secure these players.
Don't think I'm suggesting we spend like Leicester, if they don't get promoted this season, they are in serious trouble. I'm just suggesting that IF (and I appreciate it's a massive if) the funds are available to be a little bit more daring, then we have to take that risk.
We employed McClaren because of his knowledge and experience. The board now has to trust his advice and aim to work with him as he aims to improve this squad.

As Saturday rolls round and a very tough trip to Southampton awaits, I hope there will be a few new faces on the team bus. I also hope the current set of lads have been working bloody hard on the training pitch. If they haven't, I dread to think what the scoreline will be at 5pm on Saturday evening against a free flowing Saints side.

Also, just a quick mention for the England team. Nice to see some new faces in there and settling in so well. Capello appears to have adapated his managerial technique and it's reaping the rewards. I hope it continues tonight against Wales.
If it does and we dispose of a good Welsh team in the same manner as we did in the tricky test in Bulgaria then Capello will soon be a shining light once more. But as he appears to finally be making progress as England manager, will it not completely defeat the point by asking him to leave and appointing someone else with new ideas? Back to square one?

Anyway, one mangerial headache at a time!