Wednesday 19 October 2011

NFFC vs Middlesbrough 18.10.11

Due to the international break, it's certainly been a while since I've been able to update the blog. After last night's performance, I'd say it was worth the wait.

First and foremost, I'd like to welcome Steve Cotterill to Nottingham Forest. When it became apparent that it was either him, Kevin McDonald or Mark Robins that would get the Forest job, there was only one option. What's even more pleasing to see is that the Forest board recognised his potential and offered the correct amount of compensation; we all know how lack of money has let us down in the past. 

Yet unbelievably, some Forest fans still aren't happy. We have employed a manager who has a creditable record at this level with Burnley and Portsmouth. At both these clubs, Cotterill had to work on a limited budget which is what he now has to do at Forest, whether we want to admit it or not.

He also had brilliant success in a short period at Notts County so not only does he know the local area, he knows what it takes to win games at any level of English football.

I am constantly amazed at these 'fans' who believe the likes of Martin O' Neill was going to come in and take us to Europe. It doesn't work like that.
I'll admit my earlier mistake where in a previous blog, I said I'd like Alan Curbishley to take over. A friend of mine soon told me that it was very rare for the ex Charlton man to take a job outside of London. Therefore, my hopes of that person taking over were soon let down.

Now I'm sure all clubs have a selection of these fans but some of the mindless rubbish they come out with, really does baffle me. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't agree with last night's performance.

Although if you weren't pleased with last night's performance, then I question whether you should ever come again. Because, at this particular moment and the prediciment we're in, it doesn't get much better than that.

It would have been extremely hard for the new gaffer to come in and stamp his authority on the team in the space of 24 hours. But he appears to have done so. Picking a 4-4-2 side was probably expected. However the inclusion of Gunter as a right winger and Tudgay up front was certainly not what the majority of us had in mind.

Now it could be down to the fact that they all wanted to impress the new manager or it could be down to the fact that Cotterill had done his homework and knew what he was coming to. Let's be honest, the team selection worked.

Campy had one save to make while the four in front of him looked solid and compact for the majority of the night. The midfield may have lost the odd battle but certainly won the war and we've put the ball in the net down the other end. No complaints from me.

What's even more important is to recognise the opposition. Middlesbrough were 3rd and unbeaten all season. They must have been rubbing their hands together at the prospect of coming to the City Ground. They soon got a shock.

As for the goals, they were simply sublime in their own individual way.

The first was such lovely, one touch football that deserved to be a goal. It was the goal of a team with confidence and spirit. It was fantastic to see.

The second was the individual class of Lewis McGugan. After Miller and Majewski had shots blocked, the Long Eaton lad stepped up and showed them how it's done, unleashing a stunning low drive which nestled nicely in the bottom corner.

There were no jitters, no anxiety moments as the game drew to a close as we stayed professional and saw the game out. A brilliant performance.

Camp- Called into action once and made a great save as he diverted the ball around for a corner. Controlled his box well and distribution was better. 8/10
Chambers- Get's his fair amount of stick but can't deny he gives 100% all of the time. Did well at right back. Linked up with Gunter nicely. 8/10
Morgan- Was always going to be in for a tough night with Emnes but handled him brilliantly. Strong, dominent with the odd mazy run forward. The 'Major Oak' is back. 9/10
Lynch- Another solid performance from Lynchy who seems to be enjoying his run in the side. Seems to lack a bit of concentration from time to time but strong in the air and on the floor. 9/10
Hill- Best performance yet from the loanee. Continuously putting his body on the line and reading the play excellently. Can't remember a 'boro attack from the left flank. Could easily have been MOTM. 10/10
Gunter- Not a right winger but performed superbly. Seemed instinticively drawn to play at right back first half but that's understandable. Great cross for the goal and began to be a threat as the match wore on. 8/10
Moussi- Another strong contender for MOTM. Absoulute machine in the middle of the park, consistently cutting up attacks and putting on pressure that resulted in a mistake from the opposition. I hope he stays fit. 9/10
McGugan- My MOTM, just. The midfielder is so exciting to watch and caused havoc all night running at the 'boro defence. Great vision, great movement, great delivery and most importantly, great goal. 10/10
Majewski- Another brilliant performance from the Pole. I've said before how McClaren's management staff appeared to underestimate him. I hope Cotterill doesn't. Not a left winger, but caused a threat and was disciplined to his wing all night. Just got to watch his tackles. 9/10
Tudgay- I've said before that I rate this guy and tonight he proved me right. Caused problems in the air while showing some nice touches on the floor. Partnership with Miller needs work though but that'll come. Nice striker's instinct for the goal as well. 9/10
Miller- Another solid performance from the big man. Always appears lazy but give him the ball and he can show a quick turn of pace with a finish at the end of it. Still lacking a bit of fitness I think but the 'boro defence couldn't handle him. 9/10
Findley- Struggled to get involved but we all know what 'USA' can do. Good turn of pace and once he's fit from his injury, he'll be involved one way or another. 8/10
Derbyshire- Similarly to Findley, struggled to get involved but ran his socks off for ten minutes and seemed desperate to impress Cotterill. Showed some nice toughes as well. 8/10
Greening- Well, well, well. Jonathan Greening put in a decent performance. I even shouted out some support to him at one point. He came on, won the ball, did the simple stuff well. No issues. Things really are looking up if Greening is playing well. 7/10

What a difference a win makes. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. It's a fantastic start but there's a long way to go and we're still sitting 20th. But let's enjoy this positivity, it's been a while since we've had some.

Blackpool away on saturday will be very tough, but I have more faith in this Steve than the last Steve to deliver a result.

Bring it on.

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