Tuesday 27 December 2011

NFFC vs Peterborough 26.12.11

As I began the last blog, i offer my apologies for not posting as regularly as I would of liked. Admittedly, I didn't see the Palace game on the 10th due to University deadlines and I haven't been to any away games recently due to lack of funds - but I'm sure we're all feeling the strain as christmas has just passed us by for another year.

However, as much as I like to stay on top of the blog and be a regular poster, I can't help but feel I simply could have copied and posted the same entry from one week to the next.

'Forest on top, couldn't score, concede down the other end, lose the game.'

Surprise, surprise, it was the same yesterday.

Quite honestly, I just feel a bit exhausted by it all and I'm not entirely sure where to begin.

Let's start with an obvious positive: The team has come on leaps and bounds since the dark days of McLaren. This team wants to play for Cotterill and they are doing their damned hardest to get a result.

The boo boys will always come out in force at the City Ground and it is one thing that really rattles me during a game. We seem to have in abundance, a selection of fans who genuinely think they could do a better job and sitting there slating the players will get the job done.

I actually heard one man shout 'put the reserves on, they'll do a better job.'

It's something I have to disagree with. The players on the pitch are not playing badly. Certainly not in the last 4 weeks or so. There is just something missing. Something is just not going right for us.

I hate to bring the old 'luck is against us' excuse into play, but I can't help but feel that it is really is at the moment. We can't catch a break. We came up against inspired keeping from David James last week, we dominated at Brighton before they snatched a late one and yesterday was exactly the same. Some people will say: 'You make your own luck' and I agree, but every loose ball fell to a player in black yesterday and it just became disheartening.

Saying that, although I felt we controlled the game, Posh's keeper has had very few saves to make. Six games without a goal is a worrying statistic. Maybe the final ball is letting us down and despite spending long durations of time, camped in the opponents half, we lack that killer instinct to make the attack count.

There were a couple of times yesterday where we broke away on the attack and either completely slowed the play down, allowing all of Boro's defence to get back into position, or we wasted it with a stupid 'Beckham-esque' pass that just meandered aimlessly out of play.

Clearly it's a culmination of factors. Yet, I still believe that when that first goal goes in, and it may need to be off someones backside to be honest, then things will turn around.

I'll make the statement now that I don't think we'll be relegated. People are panicking. It's a horrible position to be in, but the capability within our squad means we should be challenging the top half of the table, not in a relegation battle.

Although the results aren't showing that, the performances are. Chambers said in the post match interview, 'maybe we just need to win ugly' and he's exactly right. Once that first goal and hopefully first win comes again, I have no doubts we'll starting picking up points and moving in the right direction.

Yes there's a gap appearing, but quite honestly, if we finish 21st and stay in this division, then we have to be content with that. Not ecstatic, not even happy, but content. Let's not forget there has been a lot of upheaval over the summer; two changes of managers, different ideas, different staff, different regimes. They are all going to take it's toll.

But people appear to have forgotten the start we had under Cotterill. If you ever needed proof that we've got the right man, then those results are everything you need. The players know they can do it because just over a month ago, we were 17th and people were talking about play offs. It might be a tough couple of months,it might be a tough remainder of the season, but I fully expect us to get out of it, Cotterill knows what he's doing.

However, whether we are out of trouble by Februrary or we escape on the last day of the season, will all depend on the January transfer window.

We have such a depleated squad and it isn't helping matters. Moussi at centre back underlines that point.
Morgan, Ando, Moloney, Lynch, Boateng, Miller, Cohen, Lascelles are the main casulties, that's EIGHT names. We only have a squad of 24. So our squad of 16 essentially picks itself.

We need reinforcements and January 1st cannot come soon enough.

That brings nicely back on to the idiots who protested against the board, just a couple of months ago. Cotterill said we have no money, that's down to the fact that those mindless 'fans' removed our main source of money.

The gaffer also indicated that players will have to leave before new ones come in. Well, I can tell you now we won't be shifting any of the higher earners, nobody wants them. Derbyshire, Boateng, Greening, will all be at this club on Febuary 1st.

The players leaving will be the ones that are vital to the team if we are to get out of this mess. Rumours already flying about that Morgan has turned down a new contract and will leave along with Gunts who is attracting interest from the Premier League.

When Financial Fair Play comes in next season, it should put us in a strongish position due to our size and fanbase. Yet it will all be to no avail, if we're sitting in League One because we've had to sell our better players to keep the club in business for the remainder of this season.

I sincerly hope all the uneducated idiots who protested now feel very proud of themselves. Because I doubt they know the huge mess they've put us in.

Back to yesterday and I have made it quite clear I felt we were hard done by. I could continue to go on about other factors, such as the referee had an absolute shocker, but those things go against you when you're down at the bottom. It's just the way it is. Only one team can change it and that's ourselves.

To see George Boyd curl that effort in was rather sickening, with him being an ex player and saying this week, he was glad he didn't sign for us. We gave too much time and space to their best player and he punished us. Simple as that.

Saying that, I must give a mention to Peterborough's Paul Taylor who ran the game all afternoon. No Forest defender could get close to him and he was a serious thorn in our side.

As the minutes dragged on, Forest appeared to lose their motivation quickly and made mistakes that I used to do on a sunday morning at amateur level. We need to go back to basics and play to our strengths; one touch passing, using the wings, strikers need to be closer together. I lost count of the amount of times Dexter or Tuds won a flick on, but the other striker was nowhere near to him to chase it.

Camp- Couldn't do much about the goal and controlled his area well. Distributed well in tough conditions and kept the ball moving. 7/10
Gunter- Yet again, ran and ran all afternoon. Can never fault his attitude. Begging he doesn't want to jump ship. 8/10
Moussi- Not a centre back, made that quite obvious. Had a good battle with Sinclair who probably taught him a thing or two. Get used to it Mou, you could be there for a few games to come. 6/10
Chambers- Again, didn't go much wrong. Was strong, defended well, marshalled the defence. 7/10
Cunningham- One of the few who showed that extra bite and tenacity, that extra bit of pace and determination. Up and down the wing all afternoon. I hope we can sort out an extension of the loan deal. 8/10
Greening- Can't believe I'm saying this, but probably my man of the match. He appeared to be more aware of his position yesterday and although the odd error slipped in, he worked incredibly hard and chased lost causes all afternoon. The midfield were seriously overran by Peterborough, but Greening won his individual battle. 9/10
McGugan- Bit of an indifferent performance from Lewis. Showed glimpses of brilliance but also showed glimpses of laziness. Seemed intent on trying to change the course of the game but believes he can do all by himself. 7/10
Ando-Injured after 5 minutes. Fingers crossed its not serious. 1/10
Majewski- Didn't even know he was on the pitch. Struggled to get involved on the left wing. Right to be substituted. 4/10
Blackstock- Still trying to find match form but took a beating all afternoon with no reprieve from a dismal referee. Desperate for him to get one goal and then the rest should flow...hopefully! No partnership with Tudgay though. 7/10
Tudgay- As always, worked incredibly hard and appears to have a confidence about him that is very much needed if we're to break this spell. Had a header cleared off the line and we weren't the same threat after he was substituted. 8/10
McClearly- Has skill and ability in abundance but just needs a bit of confidence and experience to know when to run at the full back and when to put the ball in the box. Was a huge threat on the right wing and most of the danger came from his trickery. 8/10
Reid- He may not be the most energetic player on the pitch but Reidy brings a huge amount of experience with him and the ability to produce something special. Although it wasn't a perfect performance by any means, he did offer a different outlet of danger on the left wing. Pushing for a starting place. 8/10
Derbyshire- Dear oh dear. Lack of running, lack of motivation, lack of enthusiasm. I simply thought he was appalling. How he played Champions League football I'll never know. Needs to seriously buck his ideas up. Robbie Findley should have been given the nod. 2/10

It doesn't get any easier as Cardiff visit the City Ground on Saturday. Whoever the opposition, the task is simple: score.

Once we do that, the rest will follow. You heard it here first.

Friday 2 December 2011

NFFC vs Leeds United 29.11.11

First and foremost, apologies for this blog being three days late.

In reference to my earlier entry, I said that I was on work experience. Despite returning from London, I have missed two weeks worth of university so to say I'm snowed under with assignments would be somewhat of an understatement.

However, after the dismal defeat on Tuesday night, it's probably lucky that I have been unable to write the entry, as it just would have been a full blown rant on the debacle that took place in front of me.

The performance was so appalling, so lacklustre, so embarrassing, that I'm not even sure where to start.

I'm not, and never have been a 'boo boy'. I'm a firm believer in being a supporter and 'supporting' the team whenever I watch them. From playing amateur football on a Saturday and Sunday morning, I know how an encouraging comment can inspire you so much more than a derogatory comment.

But even I was having to really try to stop my vocal chords from issuing the low, booming sound of a 'boooo'. Both at half time and full time.

I really felt like we were making progress under Cotterill, even the games we had lost, had come from us not taking our chances, not because we weren't in the game.

I can't put my finger on it. Maybe just Leeds were so pumped because of Gary Speed's death and their hope to credit it. Let's make no mistake, the media were loving the fact that the headline and the angle was pretty much assured from the moment Leeds went ahead: 'That's for Gary'.
Please don't think I'm slating the Welshman, his death was an awful tragedy and a huge shock for the world of football.

But from the first moment, we simply didn't have a defence. Whether he's captain or not, Chambers must be dropped. I've been a fan of Chambo, but take that captain's armband off him and bring in a international right back that is wasting away on the bench.

I'd forgotten about Gunts, I must admit, but how are we leaving him out? He's our most consistent and reliable player by a country mile.

Wes and Lynch were a shambles and Cunningham looked way out of his depth all night.

I could go through the whole squad and slate them. The only player who showed any passion and drive for Andy Reid, and he got himself sent off.

In addition to this, I listened to the post match interview with Cotterill where he stated that it wasn't a time to raise his voice, because it 'wouldn't help matters'.

Are you joking?

For some reason, there is a disgusting arrogance amongst our squad. We believe that we should be winning games because of their little ego's and the stature of our club.

After the Ipswich game, we were SEVEN points clear of relegation. SEVEN! Granted, a lot of the teams around us are winning games, Bristol City in particular have had an amazing turnaround. But we clearly thought we were safe and sound and the play offs were beckoning.

Well, forget that. Because it's nearly christmas and make no mistakes about it, we're in a relegation battle.

I have no doubts, Coventry and Doncaster will be relegated. Too much to turn around at both clubs. But that 3rd place is up for grabs and at the moment, we're filling in.

January will be huge. I don't know the funds we have but there needs to be signings. There needs to be competition for places and we simply need more ability.

Dexter Blackstock's return will also be vital as well.

Camp: Unsurprisingly had a shocker. Distrubution was awful. Shot stopping was awful. Absolute shambles. 3/10
Chambers: Goes forward, tries to give options but is not a right back. Moved across to centre back and didn't improve any further. 3/10
Morgan: Was mugged off by Luciano Becchio for the duration of the night. Never got involved in the pace of the game and his passing was awful. No link with Lynch. 3/10
Lynch: After being the main player since the season began, he had an absolute shocker. At fault for the second goal, chasing a header that was never meant to be his. Dreadful night. Probably the best defender on the night though. Says a lot. 4/10
Cunningham: Completely out of sorts all night, never looked comfortable on the ball and was caught in possession numerous times. 1/10
Anderson: Probably my man of the match. Stuggled to stay disciplined to his right wing but was direct and offered an attacking threat. 5/10
McGugan: Went missing as per usual when things aren't going right. Can't remember a single thing he did all night come to think about it. Dreadful. 1/10
Reid: Brought back into the side for recent subtitute appearances. Showed it in glimpses but lack of proffessionalism by getting sent off, but at least he showed some fight and passion. Dead ball deliveries were appalling as well. Not a good night. 4/10
Moussi: I don't think I can put into words how dreadful his performance was. Absolute shambles. It was a performance that wouldn't have got into Wollaton FC - my sunday league team. And we weren't great.
Tudgay: Never had a partnership with Findley all night, little kid lost all night. 3/10
Findley: Never showed his pace and ability, probably due to the delivery of balls but had a nightmare, just like the rest of his teammates. 2/10

Cotterill said we need to do some trading in January.

I personally cannot wait, cos we bloody need it.