Friday 25 November 2011

NFFC vs Work Experience?

I couldn't believe when I logged on to see I hadn't entered a blog since the beginning of November and here we are, nearly at the end of November.

Unfortunately, we had to sit through yet another 'international weekend' which I must admit, are really beginning to annoy me.

Two pointless friendlies. Fine, there will be people who argue Capello needs to give his squad a run out to try new things and it brings money into the game blah blah blah. But it wasn't that long ago since the qualifiers and I would LOVE it if we could just have a few weeks with no interruptions of good ol' league football.

Teams can gather momentum, league tables can start to take shape and we can all sit down on a Saturday evening knowing that Match of the Day will be on.

Anyway, that's a rant for another time.

Normally, I would have posted my thoughts after the win against Ipswich. But I hate to admit that I actually missed the game.

As a sports journalist who is still relatively new to the industry, I have to pave my way into the right areas. This includes doing as much free graft as possible and this is what happened these past two weeks.

I spent last week with Channel 4's press team before spending a week at football magazine FourFourTwo. I can honestly admit, being based in London for two straight weeks was a huge shock to the system.

But I've learnt a lot and my enthusiasm for the industry has only increased. And guess what?
I actually got my first piece of published work! That's always exciting.

If you're interested, have a read and let me know what you think.

Anyway, all this hectic scheduling resulted in me missing one of the best games of the season by the sound of things.

But I'll say the obvious stuff.

What a brilliant turnaround under Cotterill. It may sound very PR-ish but huge credit must go to the team for coming from behind twice. Under McLaren, we'd gone under and been beaten.

There's clearly work to be done, I'm sick and tired of reading we've dominated but are now behind. But Blackstock is chomping at the bit to come back in and with Ando back as well, we have options and a bit more competition for places.

Maybe a January signing up front? I'm not sure. Tudgay's confidence must be at a high and Findley and Miller will want to stay involved as well so not sure if its needed.

I can't really comment much more than having not seen the game, but the win saw us seven points from the play offs and seven points from relegation; nicely mid table. Now let's keep moving up.

Tough game against Cardiff tomorrow and I expect Earnie to score. Nice of him to come out and say he won't celebrate.  I hope he means it.

I'll take a point tomorrow and continue to pick up points! COYR

Wednesday 2 November 2011

NFFC vs Reading 01.11.11

It wasn't pretty. It wasn't glamerous. It's wasn't free-flowing exciting football.

But it was enough.

Marcus Tudgay's goal was enough to give us a vital win and continue our excellent start under Cotterill's guidance.

It seems opposition are catching on to the fact that Forest play better when they have the crowd behind them. Make no mistake about it, when the City Ground is in a europhic mood, there aren't many grounds in the Championship that could compete with the atmosphere it creates.
So away teams are coming to Nottingham, intent on frustrating Forest and therefore frustrating the fans who then get on the player's backs and this results in a bad performance.
Hull did it at the weekend and Reading had a very good go at it last night.

Admittedly, it's not something we like to see. Every NFFC fan knows that we have some of the most gifted and talented footballers in our squad when the ball is at their feet. McGugan, Majewski, Reid, Findley, I could go on. So to see the ball being aimlessly lofted towards a target man immediately equals groans from all four corners of the ground.

But there's a difference in there. A month ago, we would of succumbed to the disharmony within the ground, crumbled and been beaten by a very average Reading team. Last night, we held our own, defended strongly, worked through it and got our reward as 'Tuds' swivelled and neatly tucked the ball away.

Huge credit must go to Cotterill for instilling that belief in the lads once again that, if they try hard enough, they'll get their reward and that's exactly what happened.

While on the note of Cotterill, it must also be mentioned that the gaffer has brought none of his own staff in. That says a huge amount for the likes of Rob Kelly and Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink who, I'm sure, are working tirelessly behind the scenes.

As I watched from Main Stand, the squad felt different from those dark days under McClaren. We were a team. The managerial staff were giving out instructions and the players on the pitch were clearly taking it on board and running back on to the pitch with a spring in their step.

As I've said in previous posts, the opposition must be recognised in order to understand what a great win this is.
Reading were unbeaten in eight. Okay, they weren't setting the division alight but they were a well organised side and teams, including the likes of Southampton and Derby, had been struggling to beat them.
So for us to take three points off them and end that run is a fantastic achievement and the lads deserve their plaudits.

Cotterill made two changes to the side that lost against Hull, bringing in Robbie Findley for the injured Miller, which is a huge blow, and Moussi came in for Greening. I think the majority of the 18,600 people would have admitted that this was the correct team to play.

What I like about Cotterill is he does exactly what he's meant to. He's a manager. He isn't afraid of ego's or looking after any star players, the message is clear: go and earn your place.
Greening wasn't good enough on Saturday and he was dropped. After a dreadful first half, Cotterill recognised the weakness, realised we had to bring someone on who could control the tempo of the game and add a bit of quality to unlock a compact Reading defence and brought on Andy Reid for Radi. I've said before the Pole looks to be the real deal this season but he never got going last night. There were a fair few jeers where I was sitting when the substitute was announced but fair play to Cotterill, he got is spot on and I'd go as far as saying that the Irish midfielder really influenced the game.

We've seen it before from Cotterill as well. He doesn't sit there and hope it will turn out for the best, he acts and he acts quickly. Look at the Blackpool game, Moussi sent off and Derbyshire, just moments after coming on, is brought off again. Yes, it's harsh on the striker who I'm sure is desperate for a run in the side but Cotterill did what he had to for the good of the team. We came away with three points so who's complaining? More importantly was the moment on Radio Nottingham where he told us why he did it. He recognises us as fans and what we can bring to the team and little snippets of information like that are greatly appreciated.

Camp- Had little to do all night but when it mattered most, he pulled of a screamer of a save in stoppage time to guarantee us the win. Tough task to keep concentration over 90 minutes but he did it and he deserves as much credit as Tudgay down the other end. 8/10
Chambers- We all know he isn't a right back. But he will give his all for this Forest team and is beginning to show captain's qualities. Was taught a lesson by Robson-Kanu on a few occasions but worked hard and supplied the cross for the goal. 7/10
Morgan- Good ol' Wes just goes about his game as usual. Strong and dominant with the odd bit of clumsiness thrown in. Had a tough battle with Reading striker Manset but clearly won as the latter was taken off at 67 minutes.
Lynch- He's done it again. My man of the match. What an incredible turn around from this player. He used to be the butt of all jokes, now he's everyone's hero. Nothing got past him all night. Chambers is going to have quite a job to regain the centre back position. 9/10
Cunningham- Another solid performance from the loanee. Even though he's young, you can can see the quality of an international player. Confident, composed, energetic, strong, good in the air, I could go on. A very astute signing. 8/10
Moussi- One of the worst games I've seen 'Mou' play. Never stamped his authority in the middle of the park and looked rather timid all night. Jumped out of challenges and was overshawdowed by Leigertwood who ran the midfield. 4/10
Gunter- It's a round peg in a square hole but he worked hard yet again. There was more discipline last night as well as he held his position on the touchline a lot more. Didn't try anything too fancy and was always an option on the right wing. 7/10
McGugan- Interesting night for Lewis. Tried hard initially but when things weren't going right for him and the mood was a bit down around the ground, he just goes missing and shows a severe lack of interest. As soon as the goal goes in, he sparks up again. Hated being overshadowed by Reid as well. Fantastic talent and ability, but he's got to calm his ego down. 7/10
Majewski- One of those nights for Radi, never got close to the high standards he has set this season. It was a shame but sometimes it goes like that. 5/10
Findley- Disappointed with Robbie. In fairness, he wasn't getting much service up front as he played as a target man but to say this was a chance to show why he should be in the team, he didn't take it. Looks as if he needed constant guidance last night. Had one good run though that showed he's got it if he can just have the confidence to show it off. 6/10
Tudgay- This guy gets a lot of stick but I dare you to try and find someone who works harder than Marcus Tudgay. Chasing lost balls, harassing the back line, strong in the air, I can completely understand why Cotterill has kept faith with him. And rightly so and Tuds got the goal he so richly deserved and he took it beautifully as well. Pleased for him. 8/10
Reid- Came on and influenced the game dramatically. Playing in a roaming role, he linked up passages of play from defence, midfield to attack and we started to play the ball on the floor a lot more as well. Some lovely deliveries into the box as well. I hope he can keep it up. 8/10
Moloney- Didn't have a lot of time to make an impact but he didn't let that stop him. Came on for Findley as a left winger and had one attack down the flank before unleashing a low drive that Federici did well to save. Very good attitude from the Irishman. 7/10

The injury to Miller has yet again underlined our small squad but I'm sure the gaffer is doing as much as he can to try and rectify that. Also, as much as I hate the international break for two pointless friendlies, it does give the likes of Ando, McClearly and Blackstock a chance to really work hard and aim to try and get back in the squad to offer some competition. When that happens, then I'll be really excited about the season because Cotterill has worked wonders with a squad that was down in the dumps and staring at a relegation battle so for him to have options and different tactics available, we could be a real force.

Cotterill called for patience in the post match interview last night and we must give him that. Being 19th is never nice, but imagine if we hadn't won 3 from 4. We'd be in serious trouble. There's a very close pack ahead and a few more wins could see us really climb the table. Who'd thought I'd been saying that three weeks ago?!

It'll be an extremely fiery affair on Saturday as Portsmouth will have a point to prove and I'm not sure what reaction Cotterill will get. But I couldn't care as long he delivers as he has been doing these past few weeks.
Portsmouth are a team down there with us and if we are to climb the table, we have to beat the teams around us.
So Saturday is huge and the result will have such an impact as we hit the two week break.
Defeat or a draw and we have to mull over it while trying to avoid seeing the league table.
Get a win though, and we could be in the heights of 13th, top half of the table and possibily looking at the play offs.

Not that I'm getting ahead of myself though. One game at a time and all that....